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A member registered Feb 19, 2024

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Hmmm, demoness is still bugged in the new version for me at least (I'm on android) Do I have to start a whole new game to test if it works? Cause man, I don't really want to, that's like 3 weeks worth of progress...


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 Need Help on the game

I can't seem to trigger the Demoness/ Mistress event 2.9 - 3, the thing is I've completed everything else except for that. The only thing remaining for me is the Void dimension? (Idk what it's called) And the Barkeeper no longer gives rumors, and there's no more highlights on the Crystal Ball Lady... 

The only progress remaining for me is Nel and the Demoness, there's also question marks from the very bottom which I assume is Penelope but I'm not sure because, I already got the Pirate set costume, Idk if that's a bug or something. Unless it's someone I haven't met...

Also, is the Cellshroom with a mask inside it beatable? Because everytime I managed to beat it, it just regens and escape.

I'm on Android btw, Idk if that's relevant. 

The grind isn't really my problem, like I've stated, this game lacks meta features. I agree with you this game doesn't need some overhaul as when you progress through the game it does get easier, it's only hellish in the beginning.

By meta features, what I mean is better "skipping" my hands gets strained just so I could make some progress faster because some events are just automatic, but unnecessarily slow, and make the "back" button, reverts my decision, the UI is so small that I sometimes misclick and I have to endure an unskippable cutscene, also make the people save in-between the battles! 

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Visit to the library takes in-game time, I wish they just add a journal where I can just click on to see what weaknesses are mid-battle, it's not even inattention, it's the fact that there's so much unnecessary game features like why the need to upgrade wallet when your inventory can store unlimited amount, or having Nel as a mean to upgrade faster is just so boring, you can't even interact or hasten the game when she takes over it's an idle game at that point.

The problem in my original post is the fact that this game lacks meta features like actual skipping, the turn-based battle is imbalanced because "struggle" rarely works like it actually feels like you're being forced to be harassed, and enemies attack more often or it feels like it. What I intend to say is, the devs should make it when, I managed to free myself from struggle make it my turn not the enemies' turn.  The speed feature is not ideal in this game, this ain't pokemon, there's a difference between a hard mechanic and a fun mechanic. It's a minor inconvenience but an inconvenience nonetheless. (I won't disable the monster sex feature, that's one of the few fun things in the game, and I know that there's items that help with this but it makes you work for it, like actual work.)

I also wish the "back" button actually backs my actions, because I'm so used to tapping that I tap on things accidentally. Like there's so much minor inconvenience in this game that the gameplay itself becomes a major inconvenience.

Keep in mind:

 I don't hate the game and I don't hate grinding, but when all you do is continuously tap the same stuff, it's not a fun grind, if they truly want to add more features make it seem like a rogue lite. Or else make leveling up easier and more interactive, unlike that Nel takeover stuff that's boring asl, that's an idle gameplay not a turn-based gameplay.

Edit: This is more of a reccomendation, I guess. 

I'm 20% in the game now because I've been playing for like 6 hours. This game right now is easily 7/10. It's worth playing but pleasure comes with patience.

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I love the game and graphics but man is this game grindy as hell. I don't mind grinding but man for a new player it's kind of a turn off, I played for 2 hours and the story barely budged because I was stuck on an endless struggle between 2 slimes, like F that, if I'm gonna struggle in a game at least make it enjoyable man. It's not bad, it's just mid I guess... Sorry if I'm ranting, but I had to close the game because I was actually stuck in that struggle loop for about 15 minutes ish, I guess Monster Sex scenes can be disabled but you can't toggle that mid battle, you can't even save mid fight. Early game is just not that enjoyable but it does get better. 

I reccomend maybe add a cheat to make the game less grindy instead of having to use 3rd party software, to make the game more enjoyable.

I really love the game though, this is more of a rant after losing around 30 minutes of my progress... I was on day 17 but after going back to main menu because of the slime never ending struggle loop, it only saved to day 13, those 4 days were also me just grinding the heck out. just to buy every single item possible in the game before progressing story wise...

There's definitely more stuff after Sakura town(The second town), I think it's worth playing, theres a lot more stuff now. I suggest you play it to keep up with the story if that's what you want, but for H-scenes there's also more variety now... But waiting for the next update is also a good option it just means you get to enjoy more "new content" for yourself

I've commented before but I just finished the available game. I must say, I love the attention to detail, the background shenanigans, and the world building. I also appreciate the clothing choices. This is my first time playing this game as well, so I'm just absorbing the story line, which I really love, it can get deep but it's not too heavy. I think specifically this is my favorite Ero-Visual Novel in this site.

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I lowkey wish, the events are evenly spaced out, because, at some point 7~ different events happens in the morning, maybe give a way to interact with Hana or Shika in the afternoon? It isn't that bad as I can just sleep until morning but it's just a bit of a minor inconvenience. Either way I love the simplicity in mechanics, peak character design and the story!! This game is easily in my top 3 ero games at least!!

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I hope we can see, a better ending for the younger Uemura, I wanna see her happy too