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A member registered Sep 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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I enjoyed this game, loved the fact you've included an AI/bot enemy which adds an extra threat to the game

Difficult but pretty

Love the art and the fact you're destroying apples cause who needs healthy food! Would've preferred the player to move a tad slower but that's me being nit-picky (sorry) Overall though I love it

Love the music and menu system, very smart idea. It is very fast paced which could be good or bad depending on the number of asteroids on screen

Love the game! The music is so catchy and the little slime dude is so damn adorable

Love the 3D idea, and as someone else has said it's scary as there's so many balls - didn't even think to check behind me before it was too late

Like the visuals, perhaps would have preferred easier controls. Zombies don't die immediately once shot which could get annoying depending on how many are present in the level

Love the art style of this game, and the idea that the goblins drop their bags of money. Overall was enjoyable to play :)