I like this game a lot, actually pretty fucking interesting mate. Thought provoking
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Me and me mate are fucked up on whiskey and tequila right now. This was the perfect game to complement that.
We played it the whole way through.
Hope you finish it someday! We really liked the world that you've created right now. Please do more in the future. We're counting on you to make a difference! Please!! Please make. We're studying Japanese and we really don't want this to be the end uf our studies. Plwase fucking contiues this hsit ude. Pelase please mauy guyy plraseucxw acotuen this @@@@@@ please contune tghs and iva yo8
I really loved this game. Me and my pal have been hunting around for really sincere and personal visual novels, and this really fits the bill. This game really spoke to us. Neither of us are gay, (I'm pretty sure) but man, we sure empathized. The game was adorable, and also emotionally painful and trying at parts... in all, just a great ride.
Only constructive feedback would be the ending... Maybe something a little more climactic, like a final piece of artwork or something... or maybe more locations? Regardless, we really loved it. Please keep making games! You got a new follower today!