giant sprunkies
Lainos Games
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=================================== STAGE 1=================================== Level 1: MP0;1;2;Es;; // the Starting Level, just press up arrow to win Level 2 MP0;a;a;:EE-:5s-:P;; // same as level 1, exept its bigger and the enemy is at the edge Level 3 MP0;a;a;o:j-:6s:1o:1-:1o:7-ko:7-E-:2o:4-:4o:4-:4o:4-:4o:d;; // use Push blocks to defeat 2 enemies Level 4 MP0;a;a;o:a-:5so:2-k-:3s:1o:1-:2o-o:4-:2o-:3o:1-E-:5o:1-k-o-:1k-o:1-:2o-:3o:k;; // same as level 3, exept the’res 3 enemies and 3 push blocks, grab those push blocks so you don’t need to die Level 5 MP0;b;b;o.E-:1k-:4o:5-:4o:1-:3k-o.E-o:1.E-:4o-:1o:1-o:4.Eo:3ko-:2o-l-o:1-o-oko-:2o:1-o-o.Eo-o-o:1-:2o:2-o:3-:7Eo:b;; // has green enemies, like original red enemies but weaker, push blocks appear close to the green enemies Level 6 MP0;c;c;o:c-:9o:1-k-:1k-:1k:1-o:1-:1Ek-k-k-:1o:1-:4k-:3o:2-o:4-o:2-:ao-@-@-:2@s@-o$o:2Z-$o:2Zo-YsY-:2Y-Y-o-:ao:c;; // now has Teleporters, witch use to teleport blocks, two enemies are using teleporters to make the player miss, grab a push block to kill an enemy, if you missed, grab another one, repeat this 2 times Level 7 MP0;k;k;:2A-:eso-:7o:b-A-:fso-:7o:b-A-:fso-:7o:b-A-:fso-:7o:b-:1A-:eso-:7o:b-:2A-:dso-:7o:b-:3A-:cso-:7o:b-:4A-:bso-:7o:b-:5A-:aso:3-:4o:cE-:4A-:9so:3-:4o:b;; // now has nudges, witch ativates when you push them, all nudges targeted at enemies, one wrong move can be restarted Level 8 MP0;k;k;o:ow:3o:f-:3o:f-:3os:2o:b-:3os:2o:b-:3os:2o:b-:3ok:2o:9E-:5k:2o:b-:4k:2o:b-:7o:b-:7o:b-:7o:b-:7o:f-:3o:f-:3o:f-:3o:f-:3o:f-:3o:fd:2o:r;; // now has pushers, just like nudges, but self-ativating (so you dont need to ativate them), push the pushers in the right timing, if you go below a nudge or a pusher, you died, but be carefull, trash blocks, witch removes blocks Level 9 MP0;k;k;o:k-:3k:5-:1s:5o:1-:ho:1-:ho:1-:1o:3-:5q:1Wq-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1oUo:1-:5q:3-:1o:1-:ho:3-:fo:1E-:2k:5-:1s:5o:k;; // now has converters, with applies on behind and transforms in front, first and last, you have to push thease 6 staked push blocks to kill enemies, and then push converters to convert enemies to invincible walls, repeat this in the seccond one, exept its upside down Level 10 MP0;k;.s;:7s:c-:6s:c-:6s:c-:6s:c-:!!!!!,F1-:fk:21-:fk:20-:dA-:2g-:gg:1&-:gd-:jF-:,u;; // a long level. now has pullers,slides and cloners. a puller is same as a pusher but it caries blocks from behind (when combining a pusher and a puller in front of it, it will move at double speed), a slide looks like a pause block but it only moves in 2 directions, a cloner clones blocks behind it. push the pusher above the puller and ativate the nudge, and scroll down the level using S key. Level 11 MP0;k;k;o:k.n:g.ko:1.m-e-:d.ko:1.m-:f.ko:1.m-:6k-:5o:4.m-:5o-o-d-:1k-so:2.m-:5o.Eo-:4o:4.m-:1o:2-o:2-:6.ko:1.m-k-.Eo-:4o:2-:2.ko:1.m-:1o:2-c-:2o.Eo-:2.ko:1.m-:9o-o-:2.ko:1.m-:ak-:3.ko:1.m-:1k-:c.ko:1.m-o-o-:5o:2-:2.ko:1.m-oso-:3f-os-k0-.ko:1.m-o:2-:5o:2-:2.ko:1.m-:cE-:1.ko:1.m-:f.ko:1.m.l:go:k;; // a level with corners filled with flippers (rotates blocks 180 degress) with red and green enemies hiding inside a hideout, green enemies heal the red ones, if you kill a red enemy but the green enemies not, the block destroys but not the enemy. if all green enemies destroyed. then you can now destroy the red enemies. Level 12 MP0;p;p;o:pw:gos:1ow:1o:1w-:4sk-:8os:1ow:1o:1w-:fw-:1w:2o:1w-w:6-:5w:2-:1w:2o:1w-w-:4w-:3w:2-:1k-w:2o:1w-w-:4w-:1w:2-:4kw:2o:1w-w-:5w:1-:1w:3-k-w:2o:1w-w-:fk-w:1o:1w-w-:2w:c-:2wo:1w-w-:2w-:aw-:2wo:1w-w-:1wsk-:9w-:2wo:1w-w-:1w:9-:2w-kswo:1w-:1w-:9w-:2w-:2wo:1w-:1w:9-:2w:3-:1wo:1w-:hw-:1wo:1w-:6w:6-:6wo:1w-:7w-:bwo:1w:c-w:1-:1w:1-:1wo:1w-:8w:2-w:1-:1w-:2wo:1w-:1E-:dw:1-:1wo:1w-:4w:c-:2wo:1w-:4wsk-:cwo:1w:mo:p;; // a level full of trash blocks almost like a maze (im bad at making mazes), destroy enemies using the push blocks.
this is infinite:
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