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A member registered Oct 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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yes, the game is very VERY unfinished.

Right click to open and close the task list.

an outline will appear on an unfinished task area(except on the right side of the map for some reason). Some task can be failed and there is a need to reopen the interface to try again.

Space to open the task display, esc to close it.

there is currently no win condition.

Very well made :D Gz

Attack with J, Change characters with L. Just in case someone missed it

i cant stress how much i loved this game. My favorite one in this jam so far AND by far. Collectible parts were REALLY difficult, but didn't feel unfair thanks to the responsive and fluid controls. Every category in this game ('cept for idk the theme, im not sure) i can say this game nails it perfectly. 12/10 Gr8 game m8.

A weirdly put together game, like the style of the assets were all over the place, but the theme is incongrous after all :), very enjoyable, well done.

Indeed! i planned it to be a platformer where you need to master coyote timing in order to beat it, im glad yo made it all the way :)

Im glad you liked it :) spriting is very draining for me, i'd say its the hardest part, im really glad it was enjoyable despite the lacking of animation.