Cool game, what engine did you make this game with?
Recent community posts
Thank you all for joining this jam and submit all of your great games! Ofcourse, not everyone can win but the winners of this year will be rewarded with a banner they can place in their game!
The winners:
Originality: CaterpillarDream with ? - A Mystery Minigame
Fun: plasmasterfish with Microtransaction Mages
Art: Rambling Indie Games with Gelda
Story: Autofire with Switches and Blades
The Overall Winner of this year is Rambling Games with Gelda! Congratulations!
I'm currently very busy with exams and stuff but keep following this topic and I'll post the banners as soon as they're finished!
Hello everyone!
I'm Lars (pretty logic) and i started making games in 2005. Now i'm a professional game-maker. I have a question for this SCREAM SEASON jam! How do i have to mention scream season in my game? just as scream season or SCREAM SEASON or scream season jam or whatever you like. please tell me!