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A member registered Sep 03, 2022

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I guess using the phrase “work on the road” was not the best choice lol. I work on fishing vessels. It’s difficult to drop dice on the table and have them stay. They're more likely to end up on the floor or down the hall. I use a dice and cards app instead physical dice and cards.

I’ve been looking for pre-made dungeons as templates to make a mission map from. This might do the trick.


I work on the road a lot and this game seemed perfect to play in a notebook with a dice app and the PDF.

I just started a solo campaign and finished making 10 characters and setting up the outpost. I’m stuck on making a mission map. I’m unable to generate one using the method in the rulebook. 

Do you have any suggestions for alternative methods of generating mission maps?

Also, if you have any general tips or suggestions for running this solo I’d love to hear them!

Hahaha I should I looked a little closer and I would have known. All good! I’ve claimed my fair share of community copies over Covid when work was slow. I’m happy to give back. I just wish old habits didn’t die so slow and I just bought it in the first place instead of taking a CC first. Oh well, next time for sure.

Looking forward to a session tonight!

I claimed a community copy and after reading through decided to purchase a copy. Excited to get started! I’m on a major space exploration kick lately.

Just had a question, what is the exclusive content?

Hello! I’ve been eyeing this game for a while and decided today is the day. I have a job where I’m away a lot and was hoping to find something to play in the evenings when I’m away from home. The price seemed a little high (which is why I didn’t purchase sooner) but now I understand why. There is so much to this game!

I haven’t started yet but I’ve been reading and rereading the rules and had a couple questions:

Is there going to be any kind of rule cheat-sheet or quick start guide? It would be really helpful to have a summary of all of the steps with page numbers laid out for quick referencing.

This is more of a me issue, but is there another way to resolve things without using the fate system? I try and travel as light as possible and so far with solo rpgs have been able to get away with using a cards app on my phone for games that require drawing cards. This is the first time I’ve encountered having to use the discarded cards and I’m not sure how to proceed. 

If you have any advice or suggestions I’d love to hear them. It might just be that I have to start packing cards with me, which is ok. I’m away right now working on a research vessel and can’t get to a store for a couple of weeks so I may also have to wait to start playing.

From what I’ve read and seen so far it’s a beautiful game. Looking forward to giving it a try, and seeing what you come out with next.