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A member registered Jul 19, 2015 · View creator page →

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Just wanted to drop a comment and say I enjoyed the demo! Some of the dialogue lines gave me a chuckle - looking forward to playing more for sure.

Just finished this game at home after seeing it briefly at GDoC 2019. Really digging the atmosphere/world; the music especially is a nice touch. I'd be interested in exploring even more! And possibly ramping up the difficulty of the decryption segments

- Larry

(1 edit)

Just beat the May 2019 update demo - the music is awesome and I had a lot of fun with it!

I think that firing the charged secondary (special?) shot should cost a little bit of your ammo (or have some penalty of some sort), because I felt overpowered by spamming the charged sword shot. 

The dash-wall-jump feels pretty satisfying too, so great job capturing that from the X series.

Can't wait to see more - and double-tap or (or left trigger?) as a shortcut for dash :)

- Larry

Thank you for recording this!! You got to see just how quick Quick Cat can get :P