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Lavalamp Games

A member registered Oct 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Glad to hear you enjoyed it! #Nana <3 

We've very sorry, but we're not sure how these problems are being caused. At this point we can only recommend re-installing, or if possible try playing the Demo on a different system. 

Could you detail the problem you are having a bit more? What do you mean by 'flashing in rgb' ?

That's strange, that card should manage the game fine. Did you change any of the graphics settings before you started playing the game?

What graphics card are you using, if it's alright to ask?

Thanks for your great feedback, and glad to hear you enjoyed it!

While the demo is only available for PC, we hope to release the full, finished game on multiple platforms!

While the demo is only available for PC, we hope to release the full, finished game on multiple platforms! 

We're glad you enjoyed our demo, and thank you so much for the great video and feedback!

Thank you for your great feedback! It appears that the subtitles were not showing up/enabled when you played through, hence the difficulty in distinguishing which voice belonged to Karen, and which belonged to Lisa. We will most likely be adding other ways for the player to tell the difference before the final release. The demo also appears to have some issues with the Shadow Quality option making the game a lot darker when it is lowered, so apologies for the frustration this caused in the dark sections of the game. Thank you once again for the feedback, and we're glad you enjoyed our demo!

(2 edits)

We're glad you enjoyed our demo, and we're sorry to hear you experienced significant issues with lighting levels on your system.  Increasing the Shadow Quality in the Graphics menu may resolve this if anyone else is experiencing this issue.

(1 edit)

We can't wait to hear what you think of I AM HERE! If you could leave a link to the demo in your description, and also send us a link of the video when it's uploaded, that would be great! 

Would it be possible to take a picture of the error? Or let us know what the error message says?

Thanks for your great feedback, and glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Could you give more detail about how it's not letting you play?