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A member registered Nov 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Aravaris is my new waifu~

Looking forward to what comes next!

your wish is my command

this game is AWESOME. the controls might be a bit difficult but it feels so nice to destroy everything.

scythes are lame! death bus forever!

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed watching you play.^^

Thank you very much for your kind feedback!

A (seemingly?) cute game with a nice twist! Love the art so far (also who doesn't adore the unity capsule?). Looking forward to see how far this goes!

Very cute low poly style. Love the cows <3
All in all this game tells a very important narrative and I hope you continue to work on it!^^

I confess. I'm addicted. Though I didn't have the time to reclaim my place as #1 on the leaderboard I will certainly never get tired of this game!

Very beautiful game! I loved every single asset in the room and how it told you something about the environment and the character. Also the voice actress has a very calming voice.
I loved the main menu design and the UI flower in the corner complemented the rest of the game.
All in all a beautiful atmospheric experience that I would recommend to anyone!

Hope to see more from you!