Gamifying productivity is definitely a rising trend and "The Divining Deck" has good core mechanics to kickstart a habit for keeping oneself in check. Creating "task" cards for a shuffled deck, you draw a hand of 3 and choose 1 to complete.
If you can get past the somewhat strange yet authentic art style, your human need to gamble and believe in fate is sure to be fulfilled while keeping you disciplined!
A member registered Dec 29, 2018 · View creator page →
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Brew ingredients and use them to combine magical cards, dealt personally to the devil
Card Game
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Where The Goats Are community · Created a new topic Please check out my analysis of the games story :)
Consider having the bullet spawn just in front of the gun with a muzzle flash. Would be interesting if asteroids fell diagonally. Doesn't make sense that its day considering *shooting stars* fits a night time theme. It's a good attempt, although it lacks challenge due to the monotony of the 'enemies'.
2/5, look forward to seeing better work from you in the future