Okay! Thanks for letting me know. I will make a note in the catalog entries so I remember.
LB Lee
A member registered Sep 05, 2018 · View creator page →
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If we said you had a beautiful mind, would you hold it against us?
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The user has posted the text transcript here! https://transcribedcomicszines.dreamwidth.org/3218.html we hope it is useful to you!
Thanks much! Insert Title Here has been added to the catalog! I hope it helps you find more fans.
Hi! I run a searchable catalog for plural-umbrella stories. This seems to qualify; would you be okay with me adding it to the catalog? Thanks! Apologies if I have vastly misunderstood.
This is untrue. Two of the three sources I quote from use the term "women" in it. I use those words. The only one that doesn't is Ava B.
Also, I'm a trans man, writing autobiographically about my experience with reproductive coercion and violence. "People who can become pregnant" is an accurate descriptor for me, not "woman."