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A member registered Sep 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!, I also think that giving the camera a much needed rework would make the playability a lot better, I also thought of adding a highscore, but 30 secconds after submiting it, and thirty secconds after I  submitted the jame closed, if I do ever make this say a mobile game I'll definitely add one.

Thanks for playing! I also think giving the camera some work is the best way for me to improve on playability right now, and I like your slowdown button it sounds like a lot of fun.

Thank's for playing, I also think that  changing the camera would greatly benefit the game, and as is with a lot of jam games I ended up not having the time to balance the platform generation so it turned out harder than I had hoped.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it and loving the experience of 1 week jams so far, I'll definitely keep making

thanks for playing, I also think that changing the framing of the camera would greatly improve on the overal experience.

thanks for playing, I'll take a little more care of the framing in my next game!

I wanted to play a bunch of games today but ended up playing yours for over an hour lol. I like how you took the theme and used it not as a guidline but as your main mechanic. Although some of the clips were hard to find, the hints are probably why I finished it. Maybe add a way to turn those of for an extra chalenge. I think it could've used some art and think there should be less but more powerfull collectables but overall an amazing jam game and the best 3d one I've seen so far.

I liked it, but think a web version should be something you should add next time. That really helps with the amount of people able to play ur game. the art is clean but I found myself getting killed a lot because I ran out of stamina or because I ran into a door. This surprised me because it was never explained. Well done

Liked it, although I didn't finish it cuz I almost lost my marbles when my melons fell for the 15th time on the seccond level. Anyways, I really like the art, but the music feels a little barebones, I think that is because it doesn't have any base or drums. Good use of the theme and definitely very original.

cool concept, I'd like some more music but the art is amazing and the background makes it look like your flying over a map. very good.

The movement is amazing, and even though I figured out most of the levels prety quick I think there is some potential in this game, and you should maybe continue on it and release it as a mobile game or something.

Thanks, I knew someone would find like the messages.

Thanks, and I tried to make the movement a little hard to make the game more difficult.

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Thanks! I also loved playing your submision


The popping audio in the web version is an issue, this does not show up in the standalone so if you want to experience the sounds as they are supposed to be I reccomend you play the standalone.

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you could set up a vpn connecting your device to his network, or vise versa. or maybe look into setting up your own server although setting up a server requires portforwarding which can be a problem. On school you can just try hosting a local game. this is also what you would do if you have set up a vpn.

I hope this helped.


if my explanation din't help here ya go.

looking forward to the levels, and already suspected it had to do with shaders, should really get into those they seem really powerful.



yeah I also think the game needs some balancing and some narating character that pops by and explains stuff. thanks for playing!


html version just shows me a black screen uuf.

standalone does work, but fix html after they anounced winner

my game also has a lack of music for the same reason, so I get ya.

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I love the name and art, but the smol bois are really hard man. Or is this my natural incapability of being an epic gamer again. I also love the music and sounds. Also like how you implemented the theme, the more smush the less fun because I need to be micromanaging 4 px blobs.

overall definitely not only worth playing, just a great game all along with the only downside being that it is kind of hard to understand what a shmush is because at the start you just kind of get yeeted into the game.

if this is your first game you did an absolutely astonishing job, can't wait to see your future projects. But I still have a tip, do your own art next time And maybe add some music.

Moar levels. And could you explain how you incorporated the theme into your game? cuz i'm kinda dumb and couldn't see the theme. also love the lava effect how did you do that?

overal amazing game with great art and crunchy hits, amazing to play with great music that eventhough it's kind of repetitif never gets old.

like your game and the main premise of it but I think it would've been better if you had made the sounds/music yourselfs. although i get the issue of making deathsounds for a deer lol. The jumping is cool but hard to control because of it speeding up after some time. Could you maybe tell me how you incorperated the theme because I didn't notice.

overall solid game, with some great jumpy deer and a great art style.

I gues you didn't have enough time to implement a main menu? But aside from that I think you did good, the game feels great aside from the fact that you easily get stuck on the enemy's, solid game

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amazing looks and every hit feels crunchy. I however do find this to be kinda hard but that also just might be my incompitence in gaming. I can also clearly see you implemented the theme in the design which I adore.

great game lovely feel and some amazing art.

EDIT: miss some music, some music would've made this even better.

great level of difficulty, and lovely artwork. but think that maybe the thmeme could've been implemented into the gameplay a bit.

overal a great game, good job.

dope looking forward to who won since I think all games that I’ve played so far where amazing

Cool game would be a great candidate for some random level generation, would also fix the kinda low level count.

how do I rate this 5 stars lol