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A member registered Dec 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello, yes sur la version téléchargeable pour windows, tu trouvera bien plusieurs élèves a protéger. Pour ce qui est de la version intégrée dans le navigateur, cette dernière a été compilée rapidement en fin de jam et certains membres de l’équipe s’occupe de réparer les quelques bugs restant afin que l’expérience du public général soit agréable ! No panic: la version .exe téléchargeable pour le jury ne changera pas ! Les mises à jour ne concerne que le jeu intégré au navigateur.

Known Bugs

  • Ennemies not spawning in approximately all rooms.
  • Crash may occur when firing the new “Glue” bullet.
  • Freeze appens when loading the map at the start and every time you enter a new room.
(3 edits)

Changelog PTB 0.3.0


Dev note: We’ve added a new camera movement system that makes you able to feel what your character is going through

  • Added Camera Shakes for Explosions of any types.
  • Added small Camera rotations on player movements
  • Added new Camera animations when jumping, falling and crashing on the floor
  • Added down charge movement mechanic. By pressing the SLIDE button while in the air, you can now fall straight on the floor.
  • Added new GUI interface to only show the next bullet your weapon(s) will shoot.
  • Added temporary sound effects with the new movements inputs.
  • Remade the inventory and weapon customization system.
  • Solve the “i need to click a second time after exiting the customization bench” bug. You are now able to shoot and movement directly after exiting the bench (FINALLY)


  • Added new explosive barrels on random rooms. The explosive barrels are barrels that, when taking damage, will start to shake and inevitably explode. The exploision deal damages to entities around them and destroys the environement. Dealing damage to a barrel already shaking will make it explode right away ! Be careful…


  • Added new Main menu, settings and credits. The in-game pause menu and other are still on the old version (not for long, i can tell…)

User Settings

  • Added support for enabling/disabling fullscreen mode. This is an experimental feature and may not working correctly as we getting data to make it fully functionnal.


  • Added ~5 new bullets
  • Added ~3 new add-ons
  • Added secrets add-on that modify the display of the game. “You’ll know it when you’ll see it”

And that’s pretty much all for this version !

(2 edits)

The new version of the public test build has arrived ! Play and give us your feedback on the general feedback form ! We hope you find the game better and better at every updates the team publishes !

You’ll encounter some bugs (we’re sorry) that we are already aware of. Please, check the list of “Known bugs” down below before reporting any bug you can spot. Don’t hesitate to report bugs via the feedback form or via the Bug hunter form.

For the ones wanting a little overwiev of what’s new, the changelog is down below !

FUN FACT: If we had to give this version a name, that should be the “Explosive Boom Boom Version” ! You’ll understand quickly after shooting some bullets in the right order :P

Hey, yeah the apk is made for VR headset but as meta quests security policy doesn’t allow to run custom apk and we didn’t put in on the meta store, you must use the quest link cable to be able to test it.

Sorry for that ! We hope you’ll enjoy the game ^^