Comme c'est un projet d'école il n'a pas été terminé. Il n'y aura pas de suite, ce n'est qu'une démo.
Mais je vous invite à tester mes autres jeux qui sont tous en français.
Helloo !
I don't know if this will help you but here's how I did it.
In PhoneTexting : define MC_Name = "Me".
Then in script : define n = Character("[name]", image="mc", color="#0e7a38")
define n_nvl = Character("Me", kind=nvl, image="mc", callback=Phone_SendSound)
It doesn't mark the MC name, but it's on the sender's side.
Hi ! I really like your work and I would like to suggest that you work together for the spooktober, if you are interested ?
I am a french writer and 2D artist, mainly on illustrator. I integrate my visual novels on TyranoBuilder. It's my boyfriend who does the translations for the games.
I will be happy to be in a team :)
My discord is Léa#2516