Hey man! It's okay that you mixed up the theme. Pizza was our second choice for the theme anyway ;)
Great job on your second jam, hope you had fun and learned a lot in this one. Keep making games! :D
Recent community posts
It's fine! this Jam is about having fun, experimenting and trying new things. It's okay if you're graphics are bad, just make sure they're visually clear though.
If you need you may need some help with art creation though, head over to the discord where you can ask questions:
And good luck! :D
For team formation, we highly recommend you use our Quarantine Jam Discord. You should find some people who are still looking for team members there. You can also find people who can try to guide and help you if you get stuck.
Either way, good luck and have fun! :D
Not sure, Vic.
You may have a better chance of finding people on the Quarantine Jam Discord though: https://discord.gg/qASJ53
There's a lot of team formation and activity there.
Hello Bernard Bumblebutt, we hope that is your real name, for that would be supremely superb. If not, great username, either way.
Anyway, we're familiar with how GGJ operates, as we've hosted it in Lebanon in the past few years. The focus was this game jam was and still is, on Lebanon. That said, we do have a lot of international participants, and we want to better accommodate them as best as we can.
We are looking into the timezone matter, and for future updates, we recommend you follow the Quarantine Jam Discord.
Hi MaySama!
For team formation, we highly recommend you go to our Quarantine Jame Discord channel. There you shold find plenty of other people looking for a team as well. Good luck :)
Hey Tom, we'd love to help you but school should be your priority!
That said, if you do find some time, try to join our discord and join a team. You can also find people to help guide you. So join us right here: https://discord.gg/aSKWA2p (but only after you've done your homework :P)
Whoa! We're Lebanese too! Nice to meet you Samir!
By the way, you can meet other jammers, Lebanese or international if you join our discord right here: https://discord.gg/aSKWA2p
Hi TrickFire, and welcome! First of all, it's fine if you're not a great programmer, making a game isn't just about coding. Besides, there are some game engines that are pretty easy to use like Twine and Game Maker, with little to no programming needed.
Second, once you join the Jam here on itch, a button to let you upload your game will show up on the main page once the jam starts.
Finally, if you join our discord( https://discord.gg/aSKWA2p), you'll find plenty of other newcomers and veterans, are willing to help you and each other. And if you get stuck, we have some mentors there available as well. Hope this helps! :)
Hi guys, for team for formation, we recommend you use the #team-formation channel on the Quarantine Jam Discord. You can join using the link here:
And good luck! :)