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A member registered Jul 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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I programmed it from scratch using C# and visual studio. If you want to make similar games with better results try Quest for example, it is an engine for text adventures and its free I think.

If you want to give some feedback about the game or you have a question regarding the game and you want me to answer post it here. Of course you can post your own topics and I will try to read them all but if it's something that you want to "directly" tell me do it here, please.

The Lurking Shadow community · Created a new topic Bugs
(3 edits)

Report your bugs here if you come across them. Please be as detailed as possible with your actions prior to the bug.

Any bugs related to resizing the game's window will be ignore because there's an explicit warning in game that says "Do not resize game's window", this is to prevent visual and possibly game breaking bugs from happening. This includes minimizing the window. The reason why this bugs exists is that for a console game the solutions are a bit difficult to implement and to be honest I don't know how to do it. Maybe in the future I'll try to do something about it.