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A member registered Aug 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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A nice wonderful game, and beautiful glowed visual FX  ! nice music and SFX's. I really like the story !
I hope a menu in the next upload !

Well we are in the super Mario and Sonic world... ;-)
I'm still looking for the originality of this game, SFX's and music... sorry.
Nice coding try but seem just a beginning, continue learning, some skill's aquired !
inspiration can help you, don't fall it down !

(4 edits)

A nice and intelligent puzzle !
Great gaming, but why did you use poor graphics ?
I'd like to see it with music and a little bit of FX's and SFX's

(1 edit)

Nice game, I love banana's why killing them :-/ ;-) , very special gaming but nice to play !
Yes, a Game menu :-D !!!
Some game bugs, but good music and SFX's.
Unfortunately quickly finish, why this blue page of end of level , she's not in same size or color range than the menu :-( ?

(1 edit)

Nice idea, good music and sounds, a real headache ! but why this intro ?

I got mouse control problem, impossible to correctly target.
Nice music and SFX's, a little bit hard to play for me I think.

unfortunately, Impossible to play, only one exe not signed blocked by W10 smart protection, maybe forgotten files ? I really want to playwith it and add a comment, try to update it please !

Unfortunately in QWERTY keyboard mode (don't worry, I've switch between KB's) but impossible to exit the game, only with Alt+F4 (only geeks or coders known this about...
Why using some classic characters ? I know you like Mario ;-)  !
Music and SFX's sounds good and there's some visual FX. Nice try !

doesn't work well with an AZERTY keyboard... some drag and drop bugs

How coders succeed given soul to a wonderful game ?

An ingenious AI story, I like this !
A nice gaming with beautiful visual FX, that warping you in a new glowed futuristic world.
Helped from scientist, you try escaping, learning how to safe use your new robot body, step by step, in a defined time-lap.
I'm waiting, with great impatience, the next step !!!

Thanks to the Crew !