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Leika Roun

A member registered Jun 03, 2022

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Sorry to bother but the last time i play is anal part for princess but i cant copy the save file because the different version, is there other way to do that or i have to play it over from the start?

good job there i hope you all stay healthy and dont overwork at activity, ill wait for the update thanks for the good work.

huh i never use the walkthrough tho, its simple just think like all of the girl is roxy's harem and what harem need is attention to everyone all the time. if you just focus on someone you will get stuck

i still cant get enough hannah dominate other futa hope in the next update there will be more of it, love ya developer.

yeah at first i thought stuck there but on Android version that was the end of maiko lore. you just need to finish other girls task. hannah, kate (if you active it), princess and connie especially and youre done in that version 

are you done all task with other girls?

nah that the end of that version, when you done other task with other girl the credit scene will appear to wait next update. in my case its was when kate confess and walaa like the end of movie lucky me.

but.. ehh you know when i play a romantic scene its kinda freaked me out thinking that thing cant fit inside the girl like Hannah did. i mean when it include feeling like with Kate and Connie isnt the normal one would be perfect?

excuse me developer. is that roxy dick will back to normal in the future? i miss her normal dick like when she put it on connie's hand while in her normal size. ah but i want the monstrous dick for fck maiko only hehe.

no more another futa in the game except the user/main character 

that what im talking about. i even spend a whole day to try every timing with that girl in every block but none of it work out. the only way when 2 girl face right together but we need one more sec before 2nd girl turn around.

i know but i want that "fun" that promised and i still try it since yesterday. and why no one made a walkthrough for this scene coz ill admit the one can pass it smoothly is a legit pro player in the world.

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please i beg you how? i notice a moment where both of them face otherway but that its not enough coz the 2nd girl immediately turn around. i fcking desperate here T-T

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how? somebody how? just tell me how to get  through connie walk in the park, i dont even pass the 2 girl in the first obstacle wtf? T-T its impossible there are no chance to pass it, their vision too far away.