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A member registered Mar 22, 2019

Recent community posts

The game is really impressive. As a lover of the original ‘Driver’ games, I think it's just great. I have a question, what tools did you develop it with? (Unity, Godot...)

Don't work for me . I will wait for the AppImage

I'm trying to play the game on Ubuntu 22.04 and have the following error:

./vga_golf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I see that is located on lib folder . What's the problem?

(1 edit)

Qué cantidad de buenas noticias!! Pregunta: ¿vais a actualizar la demo con los cambios que habeis hecho durante estos meses? No me refiero al contenido, como escenarios o coches, si no al resto.

Otra cosa sobre la demo, actualmente no me deja bajar la demo disponible al pinchar en "Files". ¿Está desactivado?

Perfecto, estaré atento

Nieve, si señor. Estoy deseando saber más!

Eso sería genial .Estaré atento!

Hola, como va el desarrollo? Alguna novedad?

Ya hay demo para Linux. Ya nos contarás que tal te ha ido

Gracias por la contestación. Os envié un correo en PuntoSimu, echadle un ojo. Un saludo y gracias por la info!

Tendrá versión para Linux? Qué motor han usado para crearlo? Tendrá versión en Steam?

Leillo1975 de

No worries, step by step, I'm only asking...

Hi, first of all congratulations for the game, it's really cool. I have a problem, I have no sound. I don't know if this is normal, because I know that the game is on development. The game runs on Ubuntu 20.04.2

In another term, I just wrote an article about your game on our web:
Please check your web contact email

Seems to be great, but only for Windows... and Linux?

Do you mark the excutable bit in the file?