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Lemonade Sherbet
Creator of
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Hello, I need a bit of help. I'm trying to join the Discord but I am having some trouble.
A question comes up with what engine you use, either Phaser or Kontra. However, the HTML games I have are not made with these engines; my games are made in RPG Maker MZ.
1. Can I answer the question to join the Discord? If so, what do I answer with?
2. On the Jam's page it makes it clear any engines that export to HTML is okay. I'm aware this is a silly question, but is RPG Maker MZ okay to use?
Here are the portfolios of some of our team members.
Will Lackey - https://www.artstation.com/willlackey
Rinalds Bitte - https://www.artstation.com/rinbit
Rhiannon Chamberlain - https://www.artstation.com/rhiarhiart
Mehrona Safarova - https://mehrona.artstation.com/
James Henry - https://www.artstation.com/ctrl_j
Aniket Raghav - https://aniketraghav7.wixsite.com/mysite and https://itch.io/profile/aniketraghav712
Kathryn Lindsey - https://klindseymyportfolio.wordpress.com and https://lemonade-sherbet.itch.io/