Well yeah, since NuSan released game files. But honestly I'm not talented enough to mod this game, so I just have to wait for somebody to do it lol
Recent community posts
I managed to beat the record of compactness. The first Compaction was around 48 wide and 36 high, and Compaction_v2 is 44 wide and 34 high if my calculations are correct. By the way, you can see that I used the speed-curve glitch to gain some more space, and the stock of Ultimion is at the very right of the Compaction_v2 in the small loop!
By the way, thank you @NuSan for making one of the most (if not the most) addictive game I ever played lol. I really enjoy to think all day of new ways to optimise compactness or particles saving and then try them out! I keep in mind your idea of using particles speed in curves to gain some space, and I'll try finding life-changing things to do with this, but it may take some time
As anyone managed to do the MOST waste-free machine? Like I wonder what the minimum quantity of particles in the machine is to reach an ultimion? Of course it wouldn't be the most compact machine made, because I think that to have fewest particles, we would need to make particles reach necessary speed for transformation or pass the "speed test" in one loop. I already know how to make pretty small and waste-free accelerators with particles that go up to 90m/s (pink color) or 220m/s (orange color), but when it needs to go faster, I can't find a way to make it very small! I guess I need to do some more researches
UPDATE : In my session of experiments, I found this shape that basically uses the hitbox of the collision chamber so the particles in the lower loop transform and get into the upper one,just then it transforms again in gravitron + Electron that go through the curve thanks to a glitch (PS, this exact position of the second Collision Chamber and orange Boosts so the particles reach the perfect speed to collide right in the CC
So basically, I just found a new way to know if a particle is fast enough to pass the branch : when it is fast enough it will go to the upper level. I know that with those exact position of boosts it works but there may be other possibilities. Anyway, I share this because I think this way could help spare some space if well-used
In my opinion, at the beginning of the game there was a pretty cool community, but because of lack of things to do they all left little by little... But for real I'm sad to see that such a good game is like,played intensely for some days and then left,while there is so so many possibilities to add to add lifetime to this game (new particles, new blocks, etc...). That's why , in my opinion, modding could be beneficial for the game