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Len Dio

A member registered 68 days ago · View creator page →

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Great and diverse work!

I believe that we had similar situations and similar works, but you were able to work through everything better.

I wish you a speedy recovery!

Great choice of genre and interesting sound design. Ambient and industrial at the same time is an unusual combination that gives you room to select and manipulate sounds. Appropriate harmonies contribute to the gloomy atmosphere.

Is it just me or does track 6 use Shepard's tone?

The only thing that was missing was more classic metal on the boss themes, for example.

But otherwise, it's a huge work, cool!

Шикарна атмосфера, ще й в моєму улюбленому космічному сетінгу)

Коли читав опис про кислотний дощ - одразу згадав аналогічні погодні умови у No Man`s Sky.

У 2, 7 треках - пречудовий жіночій спів. Хтось із знайомих записав чи десь узяв семпли/плагін?

Ще й цікаво шо хеппі енду не буде, Demonofobia передає привіт)

Було приємно відслухати усе, дякую за роботу!

Great soundtracks!

Some of them make you think of Snowdin from Undertale, each work is clearly in the mood stated in the title.

I only wish there was a more detailed description of the game for a detailed immersion in the atmosphere.

Anyway, great job!

Дякую за відгук)

Rich themes and good composition, and everything is quite diverse. Thanks for sharing!

Nice soundtracks!

Different themes are played out in an interesting way, good job.


Thank you so much!

The incredible elaboration of the soundtracks and their themes is simply amazing. The use of non-standard dimensions is not something that often happens today. The music perfectly conveys the right mood in each part, and you can feel a lot of experience. The last part made me cry a little... Thank you, it was a pleasure to listen to your project!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

I like the dissonant sound of the main in-game music, a very unusual harmony, it really adds to the atmosphere.

The title screen track evokes a melancholic feeling, which is emphasized by an unearthly low-frequency voice, I imagine ancient ruins on another planet.

The “danger” track is moving and keeps you in suspense, as it should be.

In general - good work!


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