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A member registered Sep 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

holy shit this was intense...........

i'm aroace and i had a short relationship before i discovered i'm aro, and honestly the game reminded me so much of how it was and how it ended. the accuracy was insane....... 

i loved the music too. the vibe it gave was spotless.

now onto the questions...

1. Did believing you could play this only once impact how you made decisions?

yes, definitely. again, i had a similar situation and playing it was like reliving it again. each option was hella scary and it took me a while to decide.

2. What do SAL and Ash look like in your mind? Did you mentally assign a gender to either or both characters?

tbh in my head SAL is like HAL from space odyssey but inside those big white computers from early 2000's lol (i didn't assign a gender to them)

and ash looks like a nonbinary person to me. short platinum hair with a red lock... (i feel i imagined them as an existing character but i can't remember who it was. if i remember i'll edit this comment.)

3. What choices did you make? How did your game end?

i chose to explain how logically SAL viewed their relationship, and how they firmly believed it was doomed to destroy each other. the game ended up cold, silent, leaning to a possible hopeful future where they still talk, but personally, i don't believe they would continue for much longer.

4. What did you like and dislike about this game?

i liked everything.

5. How did this game make you feel?

very conflicted lmao. it was very hard to navigate through (emotionally) and seeing ash trying to "save" the relationship was heartbreaking but a bit annoying too. as if they didn't understand SAL... because, well, they don't. as much as they want, they don't, and their optimism is inspiring and almost comforting but it wouldn't fit in this situation or fix this 'problem'. it would destroy them in the future, and it would be way worse to deal with. (my opinion...)

6. Do you want to see these characters again? What would you want to see in a follow-up?

honestly no? i think the game is good as it is.

7. What predictions do you have for SAL and Ash's relationship? Where do you see it going?

i answered this on question 3 but yeah, from my gameplay, i don't think they would last for longer. ash would be hurt because they would keep pushing to come closer and understand SAL but they just can't do that. their idealism would be ruined and that hurts. maybe SAL would grow more and more distant because they would notice that until they both drifted apart. idk. maybe i'm just pessimistic lol

8. Any other things you want to mention?

not really. this game was really good, though. maybe i'll play it again to see how it goes. thanks for making it. :))

so cute!! i loved it

yay!! 😄

ohh me too!! i found the concept really fun.

afkshfkdhfskf brigadooooooo :'''') fico feliz!!!!!!

aaa this was such a cool experience!! i came here from 'my robot boyfriend' (i also loved it, so thats why i went looking for everyone's other works lmao) and i'm not disappointed!! the whole vibe is impeccable.... i loved the characters and i loved how you can't choose the same name and how every time you try it gives you a new message... it was a nice detail!!

i read the devlogs you wrote and just wanted to share my own interpretation about the game.

to me the story as a whole explores the 'what's the point of all this' question. arthur and ms. lucy at some point try to answer that too. it's like when you're a kid and you don't see life as a sequence of days, but only one day at a time -- and that's why you feel so eager to try to do everything the MOMENT you wish for it. or when you are a teen and every chore you're given you try to dismiss by asking "why should i do that, if i'm going to die anyway?", "why should i organize my bed if i'm going to sleep on it tonight?"... or even the bizarre advice of "live every day like it's your last" (i never agreed with it anyway,,,,,,). it all boils down to "why am i here? what do i exist for?" i guess.

that existencial crisis can make you anxious. and i think that's what happens to echo. she is so disturbed by the end of things, worried about how they will end, that she shuts herself in a room to hide from all of that (and i expand this "fear" not only for the end of life (death) but for other things too (friendships, relationships in general -- i thought of that after seeing the 'bloody end of the world' sequence). she's scared and lonely. she feeds on a tv -- a symbol of media -- that tells her everything she fears will happen. (reminds me a bit of how people would get so scared and down when feeding themselves with the news in the pandemic tbh...)

it's not... an easy thing to overcome. i guess with depression and anxiety it gets hard to get over that fear of the end and accept it as a nice thing -- or as a new beginning, as the game suggests every time you change your name -- but friends can help you.

also i need to say that i really love the friendship between the main character and echo, aaaaaa. how she accepts each iteration of them, and how they themselves accept her and try to help her every time. even in the loop before the last one, when they get frustrated with searching for her, they don't give up on it and don't lash on her when they meet. they're really supportive of each other and that was incredibly sweet.

i guess that sometimes it is like that. you get scared, and you need someone to stay by your side, just for you to listen. some other times, you need someone to pull you out of your comfort zone and reassure you in the meanwhile. both things are okay. and i like how both are portrayed here. every day is a new day.

idk i just rambled a lot here ksffkjsfsdhfs but this game made me Feel Things and i'm really glad for it. i loved the vibe and the message and the characters and everything, really. excellent work!!!!!!! thanks for this game


aaa thanks for the comment!! i also love that trope auauhghghg :''')) friendships are the best!!

aaaaaaaaaaa really??? i'll keep an eye out then!!!

I forgot to comment here but this was so good aauauuguggjhhh!!!! I loved the whole unrequited love type of thing and it was so delicious uwaaahh 

AWWWWWWWWWW THANK YOUUUU :''''''''')))  she's lovely indeed...

aauuughguhghg truly!!! your stories really have a similar vibe that really resonates with me :'') i love how wholesome they are!!! <3 (and sdkjfskjfdhf omg thank you!!!!!! i love your writing too!!!)

sdjskdh thanks again for your lovely comments, really!!!!!! :''''') it brightens my day. i hope i can keep making more stories that you enjoy as much ~


aaaa kona 😭😭😭😭 I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure wherever she is, she remembers you fondly. I believe friendship is just as a strong bond as any other type of love, and that's a beautiful thing. I'm glad you had such a friend for so much time!!!!!! 🥹🥹🥹

thanks for your words. I made it thinking of it like a place where you can feel things, maybe as an illusion, but still as comforting as they were in real life. it's definitely a nice place to spend your time in 🥰

thanks again!!!! I love your comments!! your words are always sweet and heartfelt, a joy to read 🥺🥺🧡


i also love club penugin omg


why is this gaem not in the fuck capistisl jam i wonder

this game was really fun!! i first downloaded it because of the art (very beautiful...) then i got hooked up in alien's story (he's so cute...). the small cozy city by the ocean vibe really reminded me of my own too, so it was very comforting <33

i particularly enjoyed the platonic route option!! and the cat was adorable in all ways... good job, everyone!! :))

heheh thanks for your comment!! I'm glad Paulo and Oddie left a strong impression on you, even if the game was short. it was an interesting perspective!! 

the video is lovely too! unfortunately the composer died in 2000.... the song is great, though! thanks for sharing!! 

ohh... thank you for the kind words. i'm really proud of this little game, and seeing it come to life in art and voice never failed to surprise me... :")

i like how paulo turned into a poet, even if he wasn't one when he was alive. something something losing the weight of life or something. i can rarely write a character without poetry, and seeing a knight becoming one was kinda nice...

i'm also happy to know that the simplicity helped with the emotional impact. i'm confident in it, but i'm always happy to hear it. only a few words are necessary...

thank you on behalf of the team for the comment. they were really all amazing...


the drawing is so beautfiul too im crying aaaaaaaaaaa woirwoirjwoiiojf can i use it as pfp on twitter........

AAAAA KJFKFJKSJFKSF i'm glad it moved you so much :''') thanks tele!!

skjkdkaskks aaaaaaa thank you!!!!!!!! :'')

yes, the waiting of paulo is absolutely bittersweet... (it strangely reminds me of hachiko the faithful dog....) it's a great mix of "i'm glad i could be of service" and "i want to see you again". a duty fulfilled, but when our responsibilities are "checked", what is left are the friends and the love we have or long for..

honestly odysseus' name came to me in a vision. it really gives the character the idea of 'someone who lived a long, full life' and it fits him greatly...

yeah.. "what can change the nature of a man?", can people really change who they are in their life? would you keep a dear friend close to your heart after you lost them?... or would you move on....? it's something to reflect.... and i kinda want it to be up to the player's interpretation, because i think those answers really differ from one person to another. it's nice to think about it...

LMAOOOOOOO thanks again!!

aaaa 🥹🥹🥹 I'm honored this game is a place of comfort to you!!! thank you very much for playing it and leaving a comment, it means the world to me 🥺🥺💞💞

"There could be thousands of signs and I would ignore all of them, all just to see a brief, delusional spark of hope."


caramba meu deus que jogo IRADO eu ADOREI !!!!! eu tinha visto ele um tempo atrás no twitter e fiquei mt interessada pq tinha tradução em português. 

eu amei o retrato da experiência ace!!!!! muito real e extremamente válida!!!!!!!!!!!! eu sou aroace e por muito tempo me perguntei por que todo mundo tinha interesse em romance e eu não. sinto muito que você tenha que ter descoberto de uma forma tão intrusiva, mas fico feliz que agora você consiga falar sobre isso de forma tão poderosa e sensível. muito obrigada por esse jogo. espero que você encontre várias pessoas pra te abraçarem (platonicamente) :')

euehuehsohososhrg thank you!!!!!1 ^_^ im glad you liked!!

hello again!!

as i said in the other comment, renpy has a feature that reads lines out loud, but i did not test it. since all my games are made in renpy, all of them have that feature.


i believe renpy has the 'self-voicing' feature which reads out loud the lines but i did not test it. you can activate it by pressing V.

and yes, the full game will be free, just as the rest of my games.


mt legal o jogo por sinal!!

kkkkkkkkkkkkk mt engraçado, adorei o esqueleto (queria q tivesse pra baixar tb)

thank you 🫶

great job!! now i want the game is done by friday!!

(1 edit)

ahhhhhhhhhhh thank you very much for your comment!!!

i wrote uts out of my own worries of feeling out of place and i'm really really glad people empathize with it!! dulari is an anxious little thing and seeing people validating her emotions feels relieving in a way. she's not alone!! :''))

kjnfksdnfs their friendships are lovely *loud sob* my kids......... (oh, i believe someone also commented on that route order! very fitting indeed)

awwwww i'm glad you liked them so much, really!! this story means very much to me! (lmaoo i also love the hate consensus on saruva) it was cathartic to let those feelings of worry out, but also to write a nice ending to it. i feel like writing can shape the way you see stuff in your life and uts definitely helped me be a bit nicer to myself AND helped me to find many wonderful people!! def a win-win situation!!

i'm very happy this story was a good experience to you!!!! it means the world to me!!!!!

thank you for your lovely comment (again) and see you soon!! ^_^

hhah, thank you!! dulari really looks pretty wherever i draw her :'')))

i'll be taking note of these questions!!! theyre've very interesting, thank you very much!!!

omg... kawaii-chan..

This game changed my Life. I have Now an Obssession with Yanderes. Yanette is my role Model. Yancie... ? Oh myGod. Imagine a Life Killing people and sleeping inside a Cage ! True Happiness! God Bless you etc !

(1 edit)

heheh I'll be waiting!!

she was very nice :') and his brother is dark and edgy mostly because he wants to be the opposite of his father. he hates how flashy he is and tries his best to not look like him (but people do think he looks like saruva appearance-wise, and he hates it lol) 

onfsonsclbsclbsc I asked people if I should put a walkthrough and one of them said "yeah, I had to look in the code to find out" and I was like omg afkcavkachkackb I should have done this sooner lmaoo

thanks for your comment!! 

she suffered.. 

yeah.. it's growing!! 

heheheh ill be waiting 

aaa thank you!! jsfjsfjwfjsfj definitely!! 

and of course ❤️ thank you for playing it again!! I hope you enjoy Leon just as much as you liked Ezekiel 🥰🥰 (and LOL yeah I still snort when I look at it akdkakfosmdk) 

glad to be an inspiration <33 uwu