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Leo Black

A member registered Aug 28, 2023

Recent community posts

Would you be interested in commissioned work?  I need a set of different breeds.

Nice Nazi flag...


Looking for some commission work if you're interested.  Check your twitter DM.

If you had these in animation sheets for walking, etc. I would buy.

I friggin love these lil guys!


I think you should rename this to Chick 'n Duck. Nice sprites thanks.

Love your pixel art, I used your wizard and now using his spell effects.  Great price thanks

(1 edit)

Downvote for jealousy.  5 stars for cat kit.


What am I looking at?

You may consider adding fishing to your list of to-dos if you're still working on this

You might consider bundling this with baby dragons and giving people a $5 discount or something.

You should add some examples!  What does pixel blinking effect mean?

I love these tilesets so much!  Shocked this hasn't been made into a game yet.

Just what is show is more than a steal especially if you get the bundle.  All the animations look great and are well organized.  Plus the fun guy (fungi) has butt cheeks.  Butt.  Cheeks.  Take my money.

Getting the assets for this into my game for the ice fishing part was a breeze, super excited to code them up!

These icons are delicious.  When I was going through the bundle they literally made me hungry.  Really easy to get these into my game software and start using them.  Your files are incredibly organized, thank you!

The life put into these tiles and sprites is second-to-none.  Everything has character from the tools to the trees.  What most impressed me with this one were the number of animations for the sprites and the source files are very well organized.  I like how you have separated options so it's not one giant aseprite file, this really helps with modular development.

This tileset has everything I needed and then some.  I am really impressed with the attention to detail, especially with the varied views. Also, most autotiles have secondary tiles to add in for randomness within the design.

Both of these things make it easy to create maps that feel alive and not so flat. 

This UI asset pack is really well thought out. There are numerous ways to mix and match the different window elements for dialogue, settings, buttons, etc.  This really made design and implementing my interface a breeze. 

Dear Santa,

I would like a greenhouse for Christmas.

- Leo

These are great!  

When is the next pack in this set?  Mad fire

Candymancer and Brewmaster

Sent from my personal domain email same as my itch username

Yeah frozen lake

That would be amazing!  Will do one sec

(1 edit)

Everything looks great.  I am replacing my current tileset with this in a game I am working on.  One thing I need once I finish retheme is I am going to repurpose assets to create an elven toy workshop where they make little robots and stuff.  Willing to pay directly through hire if you were interested but that's something I plan to make myself since doesn't fit your overall theme.  Here are some things I would pay for:

- Holiday items (xmas, halloween or maybe even a 'fake' holiday would be neat like 'Deer Day' and everyone grows antlers for a day or something lol)
- Wizard assets, magical items like maybe a harry potter esque store like you did with blacksmith but for magic
- Vehicle or tech assets - think a cute little tractor for farming or a cute blimp for long travelling without teleports
- Assets for guilds, teams

Love this tileset I just grabbed the lot

Nice work

So you have the right facing attack but not the left facing attack?  Man how ever could we solve this problem?  

Bruuuuuh this game is tits

I absolutely love this.  Would love to see some more holiday items and ICE!

Your pixel assets are the bees knees

(2 edits)

Ah, what a transcendent spectacle! Here, in this magnum opus of pixel artistry, we witness not merely a monkey performing a backflip off a log, but the very essence of human ambition and grace distilled into a 20-frame digital ballet. Each pixel, meticulously crafted, coalesces into a tableau vivant that rivals the ceiling of the Sistine Chimpel, err Chapel.

Behold, how the monkey's arc through the air encapsulates the boundless leap of mankind's own aspirations.

The log, a stoic symbol of nature's unyielding support, serves as the launchpad for this simian acrobat's celestial ascent. The fluidity of motion, contained within the confines of such a modest frame count, is nothing short of a digital miracle, reminiscent of the first time humanity gazed upon the moon's mysterious visage and dared to dream of a lunar landing.

The color palette, oh! It sings a symphony of earthy tones, a homage to the very cradle of civilization from which we all emerged. Each shade of brown and green interweaves a story of evolution, of the journey from primal beings to pixel connoisseurs.

And let us not overlook the profound philosophical statement underpinning this work. In the monkey's fearless backflip, we are reminded of our own innate desire to break free from the logs of our existential constraints, to flip, nay, SOAR into the unknown with a courage that would make even Notch dizzy with admiration.

This is a digital odyssey, a journey into the heart of what it means to be both a monkey and a visionary. To the artist, I say: You're bananas! You have not only captured the essence of a backflipping monkey but have also flipped the very script of art itself, landing squarely on the feet of greatness.

Rest easy you f'n legend.

Nice dude!


Welfare developers are fine, but complaining about free assets is annoying. Downvote.