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Leo Garcez

A member registered May 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing <3 I'm glad you enjoyed it.  As soon as I have time I'll play your game! 

i'm glad you like it, I hope you enjoyed the game :) Your game as very pretty!

Well, It's important thing to say! You changed the configs? Can improve the gameplay!

Your feedback help a lot! I do the trail thinking in this. And the sound guy makes one for this, but we don't had time to implementate ): Thanks for playing and I hope u enjoyed (:

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback, I hope you enjoyed! We had ideas for combos and more skills, but it was a little short for our experience :( Maybe I should not have focused so much on skills. Well, I don't know ahhaha.

Nice game, the "replay factor" is very awesome!

The game is awesome, I liked so much the soundtrack! Beyond the game, the guide is truly beautiful. Hes make me feel like magician (:

Thanks for the commentary, this is really gratifying. I hope you enjoyed! Your game is very funny too.
Greeting from Brazil

Wow, thanks for your feedback. We tried to make more effects, but in the end we had many problems and we could not implemented :( but I'm glad you enjoyed the game! 


Ty for your comment, the other abilities take a little bit time to released. The last one need something like 80 enemies. A preview of her development