Awesome twist on the snake game! I played it with my dad and will definitely come back to it again.
A member registered Aug 16, 2023 · View creator page →
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A game created during 48 hours for the MixJam 5 game jam. The theme was ELEMENTS - SPACE - NINJAS. I hope you enjoy it!
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Thanks Dwursteisen! I initially wanted to use the mouse as the light direction, but the Nokia 3310 limitations made me rethink the control pattern. I really wanted to have independent player movement and light direction which allows enemies to come from different directions at the same time. Glad it turned out well!
Submarine: Go get those magic machines jam comments · Posted in Submarine: Go get those magic machines jam comments
Thanks DR3AMLiKE! We have a mix of more difficult levels later on but I agree that the difficulty needs to be balanced a bit better. I am planning to add more difficult levels with new interesting mechanics. Also good point about the colour balance, we thought the visibility was a bit hard when we were doing the testing, but there was no time to change it before the jam deadline. Something we will adjust in the future.