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A member registered Apr 19, 2021

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I love that you reply to everything with only the owl emoji.

I want to turn this into a show with three seasons and a spin off series.

Much unlike other games, this is a game that embraces the ideas of death and fear. It takes a stab at making you feel the fear of death, the tightness of losing senses as someone rips you apart, and it does a fabulous job. This is a fantastic game made by a fantastic game creator. Your creativity in just a short game is wildly amazing, and I am looking forward to what you make in the future.

I have over 271 hours in Persona 5.
I have almost every achievement in the Thieves Den in Royal.
I have become way too into that game.
This comment made my fucking day.

Yeah most of my answers were "empty" until the last one where I wrote "excited". We are the true horrors.

Honestly, this was enjoyable, and I really like a quiz finally telling me that it knows it can't get me yet. Really lets the dread set in. I will never feel safe again.