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A member registered Oct 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the nap, I needed one !!!

C’est la meilleure crise d’angoisse que j’ai jamais faite

C’est une petite merveille, merci Axell pour ce super jeu en bilingue !

l’effet d’apparition des traces de pas est particulièrement touchant

(1 edit)

Hey Jay,

We would like to send you an e-mail for a possible short and paid exhibition of Wishing Well in France. As weird as it is, here was my e-mail if you’de be interested** (edited) Best regards Leslie

Merci, ça me touche infiniment <3

I’m really hoping to see more of those game you make with your custom bipsi-like engine !

Alternating between small and big rooms really conveys a sweet sentiment of depth and a variety of focus and perception, this is great !

This is a riveting story and the music is absolutely fabulous

Thanks, Bitsy and forks are such wonderful environments to experiment

Thanks, I’ve been wanting to this panoramic bitsy format fir a while now

Thanks a lot, i wanted to change scale and zoom out a bit

The meteor music is such a blast

I really love how Bitsy even as tiny as it is can create imbricated spaces and convey another level of narration ! This is inspiring

The sense of space is incredible !


J’ai cru comprendre que peut-être on ne se reverra plus pour les jams Le vrai jeu vidéo (rendues obsolètes), ce n’est pas triste, tu as toujours mes coordonnées bancaires pour me contacter <3

Ohlalala grâce à ce jeu, j’ai pu vraiment réfléchir

C’est tellement vrai qu’on dirait presque que c’est réel, genre, de vrai de vrai.

Encore des vies sauvées, merci HideoGAMES

J’avais froid, et maintenant non. Serait-ce ça le vrai jeu ?

Thanks Anaël for this journey <3

of course I’m fluffy

Merci Paulette pour ce lieu et ces souvenirs

Hey, je viens de voir que ton jeu twine est aussi sur l’embauche, quel fabuleux nouveau subgenre corpohate est en train d’émerger : le job non-application simulator héhé

My stonkz are skyrocketing thanks to this zine

Thanks a lot for sharing this chill session !

I’ll check V2 when I have time, but it’s interesting to offer two versions of the same project ! Thanks

I can’t rate this game yet, but I would’ve given it ALL the stars, the puzzle atmosphere is precise and dreamy, the puzzles are just itchy enough ! Good job to Max and Pancake for defying the systme

This game is perfect ! Thanks for this kind well thought experience.

Bug report : I got an error message with V2 where I can’t open the unity project because it’s looking for the game data and can’t find it (probably due to a naming issue). This problem doesn’t happen with v1 who has a properly named _Data file right next to the game launcher.

This rebuilt of pokeuniverse deserves an ocean of pokelove The lutte continues *****

Cette journée de promenade et de convergence des luttes m’a permis de rencontrer toute une myriade d’amiexs et de personnes formidables. Quel plaisir d’avoir pu aider ManMan et de rentrer manger une tarte à la rhubarbe en famille. Ce jeu porte les valeurs du MOMCORE jusque dans les régions éloignées, où pokemons et dresseureuses profite des espaces et de la réaffectation des bâtiments publics.

Cette review est objective ! == Il s’agit du meilleur jeu de la franchise, je n’en démordrais jamais.


Who knew gardening would be so stressful ? It’s very nice system and the design is really pleasant

I think about this game often, and I’ll gladly recommand it to anyone who waits for bus or monolith

Suggestion : a game is a gift

And this small game can accompagny you when waiting : Monolith

Now that rating is over, I can comment here and tell you how much your story dragged me into it and left me memories I’ll cherish for a long time. Thank you for this precious piece of art

Opened it for a quick look around and stayed cause every room was just a perfect time and place This is fantastic

Well, I better learn cross stitch now !!! Seems way funnier than learning javasomething

I’m keeping it.. just in case !

Thank you for cats