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A member registered Feb 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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thanks! i never really thought about the idea for a health bar for enemies because I (having made the game) know each enemies health. i will probably include a little marker when an enemy is weak enough to die to a kiss. it was mainly an issue around lack of anyone playing the the game other than me.  

the roses sharing a common direction was sorta a bug i chose to leave in,  but i was thinking of adding a "bonus" streak for combos using that feature.  

thanks for your feedback!

fun game! even if I am very bad...

wow! awesome game! the sprite work is phenomenal, and so is the music. the interpretation of the theme is what i like the most though. the idea of dropping in other aliens to do your dirty work is hilarious. (also the cover is amazing lol). excellent game! 5/5 

fun game! the UI is really nice and so are the animations. shooting and walking around feels really solid! I don't know if I encountered a glitch or not, but after a certain point the enemies stopped spawning. if this wasn't a glitch I would recommend making a "win" screen. if this was a glitch I would like to recommend adding more enemies and a "score" that the player can see. neat game! 3.5/5

wow! great idea for a game! i really like this interpretation of the theme with the screaming. the only thing is that my family rushed into my room to check if i was okay lol. the only feedback i can give is to lean more into the horror aspect of it. you could achieve this by removing or lowering the volume of the music and to put the player into more immersive places. solid game! 4/5

please leave feedback and ideas for new levels! if you give me a good one you'll get the full game for free!