Very kind message, thank you :)
Letibus Design
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Ah, you're absolutely right! This was a mistake from my end. The correct solution (with the same initial placement - and with "J" signifying a jump) is this: U L JD U JU JU D JD D JD D R JU U JU L JD D JD R JU U JU L JD D.
Also, this comment made my day a bit, cause just today I was feeling pretty bad about Herd being so unplayed, but seeing that you're looking at solutions for the final part of the game makes me hopeful haha! Thank you.
Best, Blaž
Thank you, really appreciate your words :) Lineon actually might be my next project after Herd (since it’s still unfinished).
I removed all online playtesting option for Herd, because there’s no way to properly experience the second part of the game without the book opened before you. It’s very dependant on the physicality. I know this limits the current reach of the game, but I am making 3d-printed playtesting kits and sending them out to select people and I am depending on kind people making their own playtest kits (even using Lego pieces on an iPad is probably good enough for the late game content). It makes for a very slow playtesting process though 🥲
Hi Ang-Ar! Glad you’re interested in getting my games in the physical form, thanks! :) At this point, I’m still unsure about the release date - I want to playtest the game more to offer a bulletproof product and I don’t want to overlap with LOK Digital release date. So most likely in the beginning of next year, but if I suddenly get a lot of feedback, I might push it for November.
I’m not sure what’s going on with Big Cartel’s text - I just checked the “coming soon” button for this item without specifying the date 😅
Thanks LageB! The jumping clarification was actually added to p.13 only two days ago, so if you updated the pdf in between playing sessions, you might have played p.13 before the clarification was added. You’re not the only one who was unclear about this rule, but I hope the rule is now sufficiently explained/pointed out!
Hi dnobi! Thanks for the comment. Huh, I never considered that drawing subsequent lines in the same direction could lead to a stale-mate. Can you try out a few matches with the rule "You can't draw lines in successive turns in the same direction, unless having no other option"? And see how it plays, maybe this rule will make it better? Let me know :)
Otherwise, sure, you can use the diagrams.
If you’re talking about physical book, there shouldn’t be any problems - you can order to Brazil here:
Thank you for the kind words! Well, it helped me a lot to playtest LOK with various people, seeing where they struggle and streamlining those bits. In terms of the puzzle design, it's always the case of being as basic as possible in presentation of a new element and then making it more challenging with other puzzles, where the new element is already known. So yeah, there can never be enough of simplicity and accessibility - you can always ramp up the difficulty with later challenges.
Thank you very much! :)
As far as I know - and as far as I discussed your question with a friend who is an expert on these puzzle sets - there aren't many paper-and-pen games around where figuring out the rules is a puzzle itself. I'm aware only of The Witless by TheGreatEscaper ( ) and FMTC by Jack Lance ( ). There are of course a lot more instructionless puzzles in the video-game format (The Witness, Understand, Taiji ...). I'd love to see more such paper games, so let me know if you find anything else :)