First of all, this game is greate and I thank Team Nimbus for what you made.
There is some problems that i´d like to mention berofe the game release.
The Game have really long dialog introduction, it´s a big problem if the idea is keep the player playing the game, may have other ways to explain the mechanics, the world and the characters in the game.(Please Fix That, it´s a nightmare start a new game with lines and line of introdution hsushushshu)
All the world is cool, beaty and all the locations are unique, but they fell quite empty in the same time, like if the npcs are realy just sprites in the world and the objects just cute rendered drawns. Maybe adding some colision with then and just simple interaction shold fix that.
I missed animation for the extration of milk from the monster, it´s a detail but would be greate see one extration animation hsushush (A fan request hsushus).
Do you think about to adding Monter Pets in future updates?