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A member registered Apr 02, 2024 · View creator page →

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I broke my hearts playing this game... D ;

I definitely don't have the skills for this looool! Luck it is!

Trippy! What happens if you don't take your pills?

I wonder what the blue spots represent? And what happens now that I've smelled all of them? 

I like the audio-adjustment screen you put at the start of the game. Nice quality of life addition!

Definitely reminiscent of mobile survival games like Flappy Bird! Just like life, responsibilities are inevitable in this game...

I like putting out fires!


No, nerd guy is the best

Oh wait...

Reminds me a lot of the SCP franchise with the catalogue and the occultish aspect of the objects!

As a graduating senior, this game gives me extreme nostalgia to my first year on campus (which was sophomore year b/c of COVID). Ahh, things were so much simpler back then...

Felt like one of those stream-of-consciousness novels where your thoughts just take you along for the ride! I really liked the animated text and the sound effects too! Adds to the juiciness of the game definitely!

Really cool! It felt as though the walls were closing in around me at the end there! Was there a specific theme you were going for in terms of the story and the text you used?

Really nice use of coroutines for the text animations!

Very meta game! Definitely an interesting way to go about teaching Unity!

This is really cool! Reminds me a lot about my game but with a lot of visual feedback that makes it feel really satisfying when you progress through the level and build up your character!

Yup! I kept rerolling my attractiveness stat; I ended up with 99 but a dex of 0. For better or for worse 🙂

I think it's perhaps more of a reverse situation? The creator made the protagonist to experience a new world with them. At least, that's my interpretation.

Definitely! Also a nice contrast to Lucy's game, which also involves zombies (although we focus more on the metaphysical aspect there)

I wonder how you keep track of the key presses to get points. Also, I'd like to know how the scoring works - sometimes I felt that using combinations of keys yields a higher score than simply typing them up individually.

I wonder how you got those vivid 3D backgrounds? Did you make an entire Unity level to get the screen captures for the text game. If so, that's amazing! Game-ception!

Very thematically sound! I definitely get a feeling of relaxation out of the game; wonder if there's a secret or two hidden somewhere too!

I really liked the animated transitions for the text. How did you do it? I wanted to do something similar for my game but it would have involved coroutines which would have messed up my state machines 😭

Something I noticed was the unique interactions each roll had with the Kill and Continue commands! I bet a ton of work was put into writing each of those lines and I really appreciate the fact that you didn't re-use lines. Definitely makes for a fresh and replayable experience!

I like that Louden is part of the game! Wonder if you could extend this to other students in the class 🤔

I wonder if there was a rhythm to the keys you decided to use for choice selection? I noticed they change from screen to screen. Maybe there was a deeper meaning I didn't catch 🤔

Great inclusion of a controls page in your game! Definitely gives the player an idea of how to interact with the game and probably something I should have in my own games!