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A member registered Aug 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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You didn't allow viewers to have permission to see your form

And more importantly, where's the game? :(

this is such a good game :D

There are interesting graphics if you make it to the first bed in the game :(

Please add a tutorial for the controls because I have zero clue how to do anything or what you can do. Knowing the controls are essential for fighting games

Please add a fullscreen button :( Even though it took you a very long time to upload your game you forgot to test it :(((((( Please put a little more care into your game :(

I can't run the game on school computers :(

Please set the game to public. I can't access it.

A & D is not left and right. Only the arrow keys work

I don't have access to the game. Please make the game public

The game doesn't load and just says 'The connection was reset.'

Did you forget to add the game?

Why is my prize for winning death :(

The google form is private

The most game of all time

I was scammed :( There is no cat boohiss

Nvm it was just my chromebook

Yep godot games don't work on chromebooks anymore. Sorry Lucy's imaginary siblings if they did actually reply :( You're doing great :)

maybe it's my own computer (one sec)

I am here to just say that I think Lucy's sisters were on something very potent because the game doesn't even run for me :(

I don't have access to the game :( Please make it public

How about no

(2 edits)

Alternate instructions by Levi:

The aim of the game is to go through doors in Levels 1-5 until both the boy and girl are able to meet each other in Level 6. 

(Level 6's win condition is when both players touch each other)

W - Jump | AD - Left and Right movement | S - Crouch


Up arrow - Jump | Up arrow (x2) - Double jump | Left arrow, Right arrow - Left and Right movement

Boy tips: You can do a 'Crouch jump' by holding S and jumping which will allow you to perform some jumps like jumping onto a ledge since your hitbox becomes small.

Girl tips: Don't spam your jump move too quickly as that will lessen the maximum jump height you can achieve, time them with a very short delay instead.


Game mechanics:

Teleporter - The structure with animated yellow lines coming from it is the teleporter. To activate the teleporter, have either the boy or girl be standing on it / in front of it and press W (boy) or Up arrow (girl) and the boy and girl will switch places.

Button - Having either the boy or girl stand on the button will activate that button and whatever is activated (e.g a door being opened) will be deactivated upon stepping off the button.

Timed button - Functions exactly the same as a regular button but stays pressed for a certain amount of time. (Only present in Level 4)

Key - Touching a key will activate something permanently.

Fake key - This key will look like a real key but will do nothing. (Only present in Level 6)

Lever - Touching the lever will activate it, causing things to be activated / deactivated similar to the button. However, unlike the button, you don't need to be standing on the lever constantly to keep it active.


Level FAQs (Hints on difficult parts):

Level 4 | Boy can't jump to 2nd room platform - Have the boy instead jump up to the left-most side of the room to the teleporter up there. The boy can reach those platforms and the girl can access the 2nd room platforms.

Level 5 | Key door 'softlock' - You can escape this by doing a crouch jump with the boy by holding S and jumping up to a ledge which is accessible when the boy is crouching.

Level 6 | Weird key - That key is a fake key and unnecessary in completing the level.

Level 6 | Potential softlock - When the boy teleports, DO NOT fall off the teleporter. The boy cannot get back up. (This is intended to be this way) Although the boy has to leave the first teleporter at some point after certain conditions are met and it's safe for the boy to do so.


What a preposterous thought. Our game is in no way shape or form related to this "fire girl and water boy" game that you speak of!!!

But if you meant "fire boy and water girl" then yeah you're right

Lead (metal) artist - Levi 

the colour's saturation is blinding

I am not sorry for the inconvenience

And I am the sick member

is that level 5? 

it was an intentional design to make the key door close when taking the key.

if you get the key on the left with the girl it will open up a door which is an alternate way to get back to the teleporter

Nvm found it

Please put your google form in properly :( It says access denied

epic new cover image 10/10

Great game :D. Mostly works with 1920x1080 resolution and full screened (Browser fullscreen not the itchio version fullscreen) and I can only play via going straight to level select but other than that you have put a lot of effort in this game. Good jobbers :D

Can you give me a hint on where the secret level is?

Please can you link your google form properly D:

(1 edit)

Please share your google form properly :( I need to fill out your form

Oliver does not suffer from skill issue

If you pressed "No - Too difficult" on my form then you have a skill issue

Can you please allow people with the link to access it? I can't open it and the link you sent is an edit permissions link.

you forgot an e 

Wait oops I just beat him with 21.5 secs lol+

Can you beat Oliver's time of 22 secs