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A member registered Oct 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey there. I'm the guy who made WriteRush, and I just want to say that the update looks amazing! I love what you're doing with StimuWrite. Keep up the great work!

I'm very sorry, I never got around to fixing it on the desktop version. For now, you can use which is the most up-to-date version. I have a new computer now, so I have to learn a new technology that will allow me to make a desktop app from it.

Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention! I will notify you when I update WriteRush!

Apologies for the late reply!

As of currently, I don't intend to add support for bold/italics/underline. I may, however, add it later. I'm currently working on other projects. When I come back to WriteRush, I'll definitely consider adding that!

Thanks for the suggestion, and happy writing!

OK, I figured out why the file-deleting error occurred. I'll release a fix soon.

I'll also fix the error you mentioned here. I've known about this for a bit, but I have been procrastinating on fixing it 😅.

Thanks so much for helping improve WriteRush! Happy writing!

Hey! Sorry for the late response. Errors like this appear when the primary JS data object doesn't load correctly. I'll have to review the file-deleting code and figure out why this happened.

If you can, reset the data in settings (Settings --> Other --> Reset Data). This should fix the issue. If it doesn't, use the web version for now. 

Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I'll fix this as soon as possible so this doesn't happen to anyone else.

Hmmm. Not sure why that happens, but I'll look into it.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention! And thanks for using WriteRush!

Hey there! I'm so happy you enjoy WriteRush!

For your suggestion, you thought of a great idea. This is something I need to add. 

I'm currently working on other projects, but when I come back to WriteRush, I'll do this!

Thanks for your patience, and happy writing!

Hey! Sorry for the late reply. I've been busy lately.

I'm super glad you enjoy WriteRush! As for the note section font and font size, I can add an option for that later. But I'm currently working on other projects. I'll likely come back to WriteRush in about 6 months.

Thanks for being patient. And I hope WriteRush continues to help you on your writing journey!

Thanks so much!!

I'm so glad that WriteRush helps you, and I hope it can continue helping you in the future!

Happy holidays!

Super glad to hear it! And now worries at all, I'm glad you enjoy WriteRush!

Hey, thanks for your support of WriteRush!

For the web version (WriteRush v3.10, you double-click 'index.html' to run it. This should open it in a browser tab. And it works on all platforms. You must first unzip it, though.

And fair warning, WriteRush should work on mobile, but the formatting isn't that great. I have it there as an option, but I haven't invested much time in doing it for mobile. That being said, you should be able to unzip the WriteRush file, and then double-click `index.html`. This will open WriteRush in a browser (not a dedicated Android app, that will probably come in a later update).

As for the white screen, I'm not sure why that would happen. Is the web version still working? And would you mind sending a screenshot so I can more accurately see what's happening? You should be able to use the web version until it works again.

Thanks, and I hope I can fix this for you!

(1 edit)

Hey there, super sorry for the late reply! I wasn't checking because of the Thanksgiving break.

NW.js is an open-source project that allows people to turn web apps like WriteRush (made with Javascript, HTML, and CSS) into desktop apps. I use Web2Executable (which uses NW.js) to convert them into desktop apps. You can find that here. NW.js is trusted and safe; it has almost 40K stars on github. 

NW.js is not malicious. It's a tool used to create programs. Someone must have used it to create a virus, which is why viruses show when you look it up.

It's safe to run. But if you're still wary of it, you can use the web version, which doesn't use NW.js.

Also, I don't have a mac to test the mac version, but `` should run WriteRush on mac.

Hope this helps, and if you have any more questions, ask me!

Thanks so much! I really appreciate it; and I plan on making it even better!

Thanks for telling me! I'll definitely fix this!

Haha thanks so much! I hope you enjoy it

No problem! So glad you enjoy it!

So glad to hear that! Also, the new update should come soon. I've been working on other projects, so that's why this one's taking longer. Good luck on NaNoWriMo!

Thanks for checking out WriteRush! I hope you enjoy it!

Can't wait for the android version! I'm super excited to see how you'll implement it!

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll add those!

Hey, I'm super happy that WriteRush is helping you with your writing projects, and I hope WriteRush can keep helping you with your writing journey!

For your first suggestion, I'll probably add a togglable button that will make the chapter sidebar stay open. That would likely be helpful for many people. 

For your second suggestion, I'll definitely add more typing sounds. That's been on my to-do list for a while, but I've been procrastinating it lol. I don't think custom sounds would work (because of how indexedDB functions), but I'll see if I can do it anyway. The sounds in WriteRush currently aren't that good, so I'll probably update those. If you have typing sound suggestions (or any suggestions in general), tell me and I'll add them!

Thanks so much, and have fun using WriteRush!

Thanks so much! Glad to see you enjoy it!

Thanks so much! Also, I haven't added your suggestions yet; I'll likely do that in the next update!

If I had to guess, it's because WriteRush hasn't been installed enough times for AVG to allowlist it and mark it as safe.

Other than that, I'm not sure what would cause the false positive. The desktop applications are built using Web2Executable (which uses NW.js). These are both open-source. The desktop versions use the same code as the web version, which you can find on GitHub and itch.

In the meantime, you can use WriteRush by downloading the "WriteRush v3.8 (ALL).zip" version, which runs in your browser. Also, I'll probably change the name of it "WEB" in the next update, because that's more intuitive than "ALL".

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, and happy writing!

— Kurtis Kumar

Thanks so much! And I'm going to keep making it even better!

Thanks for the example! And no problem with joining in on the conversation, your feedback is great!

I actually used FocusWriter for a while — it used to be my main writing software. But I use WriteRush now, of course. It was the source of much inspiration. My end goal for WriteRush is to have it be a seamless mix between StimuWrite (because of the writing effects), FocusWriter (because of how immersive and beautiful the UI is), and Scrivener (because of how useful the program is). And maybe something like Atticus far in the future (Book formatting) — but that's unlikely.

Also, thanks for adding the arrows! I find it funny that you added those. But very helpful.

Regarding the circle progress bar. I can probably add that in a future update. I'll make it an option to choose between line and circle progress bars — probably in the lower navbar like FocusWriter.

And on another note, I've been thinking of adding a hide-away interface like FocusWriter (where you put your mouse near the top or bottom to open up the menus). I'll probably add that to the next update!

Keep up the amazing suggestions!


Hey! Super sorry for the late response!

1) This is a brilliant suggestion. It's also easy to implement. I'll add it to the next update!

2) More great suggestions! I'll add the option for dyslexia fonts and Merriweather. 

3) I could add this one as well. But I'll have to think of how to make it intuitive. It'll be difficult to have the circle fit with the other elements and look good (e.g. chapter, note, and main text section), unless I want to have it directly on top of another. Most likely, I'll include a feature to disable the timer bar.

Thanks for the amazing suggestions! They help make WriteRush better for everyone!

Thanks for the kind words and suggestions! I was actually thinking of posting some things about WriteRush on reddit and other websites, and I'll definitely do that now. Also, thanks so much for recommending it to your friends! It's amazing to see such support from you!

Also, I really loved your idea for showing the data (like word count, words left to goal, etc) near the progress bars. If you have any more, tell me and I'll implement them!

Again, thanks!

Wow, thanks so much! Your support helps immensely, it keeps me motivated to make WriteRush even better!

If you see any bugs or have any suggestions for me to implement, please tell me! I'm always looking for ways to improve WriteRush, and you've helped so much with that!

Thanks again!

Hahahaha! It took a while to make, but yeah, the update is done!

Super glad to see you enjoy it! And thanks for the support!

Thanks so much!

Thanks for giving an example! The newest algorithm I created actually matches exactly with that. It will be available in the V3.6 update — which is taking me longer to do. It should come out in one or two weeks.

Anyway, thanks so much!

Hey, thanks for telling me! It really helps to have someone someone so good at finding bugs!

I've already updated the word-count algorithm for the next update (V3.6). It should fix the problem with the tilde and hyphen. So now words separated by hyphens will count as one word (like "girl-friend", for example)

I'm working on still_life's suggestion, too. So that should be done in V3.6.

The main thing I'm focusing on is using something called IndexedDB to store the background images (instead of localStorage). This means that there will no longer be a size limit on the background images using the file-select method.

The reason that matters is because V3.6 will have OS-specific versions along with the .html file. This way you can have a stand-alone desktop application. (This also solves the bug where WriteRush .html files might use the same storage. Yay!) Although, the standalone versions don't allow you to manipulate the "assets" folder.

As for the words with accents, I'll have to update the word count algorithm further to fix it. That also happens for all non-ASCII characters. So people typing in Chinese, for example, would have a word count of 0. (键盘 this currently doesn't count as a word, so I have to change that.)

Thanks again!

Also, I'm adding your suggestion in the next update! I wanted to finish V3.5 first. But it should be in V3.6 or V3.7. 

Glad to hear that!

Thanks so much for the kind words! They really help!

Thanks! I'll make sure to fix those!

(2 edits)

Wow, I'm thrilled that you enjoy it! Your enthusiasm is amazing, it helps keep me motivated and energetic to make WriteRush better!

I hope you write lots! And I'm glad I can help with that!

Thanks so much!

Hahaha! Thanks so much! It took a lot of work to get all the features done. I hope you enjoy it!

Super nice! They all look great, especialy the "Retro-Future Console Theme". I love how you made it look 3D, the bottom part of the console looks especially beautiful!