Hi, is it normal that I don't see the hotel?
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That is the book for day one and it says for Gardonia & Verbois 5 euros and for New Simone 25 euros. Sometimes I can get the price right on the 5 euros but definitely not on the 25 one's. I tried this time to only put 25 cent on the 25 euros packages.
Here is the resultThere were 2 packages for New Simone and both of them are underpaid, because I put the 25 cents on the package.
When the weight is also important on day 2, the prices for the light packages are sometimes higher than for the other ones. And I don't think I have enough for 35 euros for one package. I think that just the prices need to be taken care of.
I have some problems while playing the game. I can play it almost normally but without the sound. Or I can play with sound and then the game just freezes and I can't continue. By the way, the sound just randomly starts when I start the game, sometimes the sound is there but often not. What should I do?