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A member registered Mar 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hello everyone! The Villainous Scheme Generator is a short 1.5 page tool to help generate dastardly plots for your tabletop RPG campaign. In it, you either pick or roll an overarching goal for your villain (i.e. Ascend to Godhood), and then roll for the subplots necessary to achieve that. It is then up to you to interpret the results.

Villainous Scheme Generator by Levoid (

As advertised, the Dungeon does have doors! 10/10

Private Eye Pluto by Levoid (

Private Eye Pluto is a short, third-person RPG about a detective from the Polish Security Compact investigating some mysterious arms trafficking on the surface of Pluto. The game was made in Unreal Engine 5 as a solo student project. It is my first fully shipped game and I hope you enjoy it!

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've worked on a tabletop game, as schoolwork has been bogging me down. I am excited to announce the rules-lite RPG Bad Wizards. This game follows a party of arcane sages who, by luck of the draw, do not possess very good spells. It's free, quick to play, and unburdened by all that much thinking, much like the character in the image above. 

Bad Wizards by Levoid (

For those interested in rules-lite worldbuilding games, I have one more to add to your collection! The Elder Pantheon is a short map-drawing game about the first gods of a world clashing and collaborating to develop a world in their image. The game works off of a deck of playing cards, a pencil, and a few sheets of paper. That's all you need!

The Elder Pantheon by Levoid (

Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce the release of The Age Cut Short, which is to this date my most elaborate print and play game I have worked on. The Age Cut Short is a storytelling game for 1-5 players. It explores a small but influential institution in its twilight decades before its destruction, whether that be a great library, market, stronghold, or temple. You will learn the mission that defined this organization, the struggles they faced in its pursuit, and the mark they left upon the world after their passing.

You can find the game here: The Age Cut Short by Levoid (

This game will remain free while I still iron out the kinks in it, and I would greatly appreciate anyone's feedback. Happy worldbuilding!

I actually based the palette off a simplified version of Microscope. I haven't heard of this RPG until now, but I'm not surprised that an idea this simple has been replicated elsewhere.

Both fair points! In the couple of times I've played it, I haven't had anyone flat out refuse to draw, but I have had people who just didn't take it seriously. I wish I knew of a way to fix that design-wise, but I think that just comes down to who your group is. 

I like your "discouraged" idea! For simplicity's sake I don't think I'll include it in the basic rules, but if I find the time to make a major update to the game, I'll add it as an advanced rule.

Hello and welcome all lovers of worldbuilding! This is a pretty short physical game that I developed with friends last year. Realmdraft is a collaborative pen and paper worldbuilding game meant to help you quickly come up with a campaign setting and a few characters and locations of interest. 

I've often found that when trying to design locations and people for a setting, it's easier to build off what someone else created than to go from nothing to a polished idea. Realmdraft takes advantage of this by allowing players to sketch a person/place/thing out, and then pass it on to the next player to further flesh out. 

I hope you give it a try and let me know what you think!

Realmdraft by Levoid (

Levoid's Star System Generator is a one-page tool to determine the basic outline of a solar system, specifically the composition of planets, quantity of moons, and color of the star. I made this tool as a component of a space exploration tabletop game I'm working on, but it started taking on enough life of its own that I figured I'd release the initial version on I plan on developing a fuller version that explores planetary biomes and features, as well as orbital features such as rings. That version is a whole lot larger than 1 page, so it may take some time to come to fruition. 

Get it here: Levoid's Star System Generator by Levoid (

Artificer by Levoid (

Artificer is a single player journalling game about a craftsman traveling the land to create a magical artifact. Throughout your journey, you'll write about the people, places, and things you encountered and how they helped you assemble the magic item. The goal of this game was to make something that's somewhere between a magical item generator and a journalling game. In other words, equal parts product and process. Let me know how I did!

I don't plan on any active development of this project unless it gets an outsized amount of attention. Mostly just for funsies. 

I got the job D:

Highly enjoyed playing! Feels like there's quite a bit of strategy to each roll/room.

Slightly edited excerpt from what I wrote: Finally, I reach the town of Berryton. It's about as small as I expected, but it seems hardly touched by the war. No crumbling buildings or craters; just people living their lives without wary eyes or shriveled stomachs. I wheel my wagon to the town hall and see a pedestal that appears to be intended for my package. I fit the bust into place. Can't say I recognize the figure, but she is beautiful, sculpted with a technique last seen in the renaissance.

Perhaps the new world isn't so bad if it's capable of art like this.