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A member registered Feb 27, 2021

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Yeah says a lot huh... About what exactly? Lmao

The ocean

It says it has been updated 38 days ago

Love the catboy. Can't stress this enough

"You on the other hand have far greater issues. You're so weak in the brain, you can't dialogue a disagreement without your infantile name calling."

So you're defending a person that could be a minor based on their behaviour when they should clearly not be here. The more I read your comments the more I think you're just a stuck-up bitch that hates men because you had some bad experiences 

It would make you a virgin if you were a man complaining about virtual tits being too big but now that I know you're a woman that apparently had the same breasts you seem to hate so much, it just makes it even funnier. First of all, are you even going to play the game knowing full well that every single woman has udders the size of your brain? Don't think so. Why even complain about it then? And second of all, your personal experience means nothing to a bunch of horny people that like booba. Go preach about flat chests in a swamp or somewhere desolate 

Damn I feel the pain of the people waiting for updates but greatness takes time to develop. Play other VNs or just watch porn until then lol

Ah yes, I couldn't tell just by reading your username. Me likey

Hey i wouldn't mind that at all but there's no need to belittle big badonka hadonkadonks like that my man. Stop being a virgin

Hey we don't ask questions around this parts. Keep your mouth shut fella

-Looks at screenshots of the game

"These girls are very cute..." 

-Sees a hikikomori gamer girl with eyebags


My dude called her hairstyle a Karen hairstyle while also saying she has a punk outlook. Everyday a sucker is born

I suggest just playing it on your phone. Works mighty fine for me

Barely anything to do but spy or grope. Please add more scenes or at least 1 actual sex scene...

That's great thank you for the update A&H

Jesus, you're borderline ultra passive-agressive

Great game so far. Sex scenes and characters are amazing. My only complaint? Not being able to play more of it lol

Holy shit this is a hidden gem of a game

First of all the references. From the song 867-5309 to anime and games... Those made my day

Also the jokes and weird comments some people make are exactly my type of humor, not to mention all the sex talk. God damn... 

The story is very interesting and intriguing. I didn't expect it to be so since this is a NSFW visual novel but it was a nice surprise

I can't afford to donate to you, only small change, but I will definitely be doing so in the future. Keep up the good work, this is turning out great! 

Damn it looks amazing. Some of the waifus are exactly my type. Unfortunately I don't own a PC nor have 9,99$ to spare. I'm not making that up. It's been a rough month... 

I will be checking it out once I get both more money and a PC or laptop though. Thanks

No i didn't know you could upvote comments. I'm on mobile but i don't see an option to do so. 

Anyways I've tried the game and boy where you right. First of all, the references. There were so many references I caught while I was playing (btw I've finished all the 3 episodes) for example the song 876-5309, anime names and games... Just that made it worth it but as you said the story is actually interesting. 

The sex scenes were good too but it seemed weird how you only really fuck people in the first episode, and after that you get more soft stuff. It usually is the other way around but they were good nonetheless

I have donated some money to the creator. Thanks for showing me this gem

You sold me lol

I'm gonna check this game out but regardless of the outcome, I encourage you to make more of these posts. I am kinda tired of static image NSFW games too