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A member registered Nov 18, 2021

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The mechanics are that of old school RPGs mixed with modern VNs, there are a many with the same mechanics but only a few developers are able to put it together how SprintingCucumber has done with this gem.

Work with Aunt Bess and clean the statues. Also by adventuring you will gain favor with Ragus.

(1 edit)

Found a bug, Android version. When you have maxed out a Gods favor, the game will stop and never continue. Attached is screenshot of where it stops. Note: playing the latest version,  thought this bug was already fixed but I guess the fix was only for skills and not favor. Idk

Is there a walkthrough?

Thank you so much for updating the devlog! Once I set a few affairs in order, I plan to send support via this platform as I have been banned from patreon for boycotting their suppression of content.

Having the DevLog is important by showing a detailed list of improvements and the date of improvement, allowing others to see how often progress is made and if there is any gain by buying into development. The more people who are able to see an active dedication to your work, the more likely they will be willing to donate. 

Is there any possibility that you could please update the development log? I want to donate what I can but I would love to see how development is going before I do. Thank you

I can't get past the part where you are captured and tortured, it won't let me train the last time before I'm killed. I'm playing on Android. I've tried this part over 10 times already and even tried reinstalling the game and playing back through. Any help would be amazing.