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A member registered Jan 07, 2022

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Well for one people should stop asking for updates.  That game is free after all and pretty damned amazing.  A little patience wouldn't hurt.

As for moving on, I completely understand.  Visual novels require a huge amount of dedication to story telling and art.  Other games can easily do so as well but at least you have other mechanics to keep you interested.  Like combat systems or programmatic approaches that fizzle your brain in a good way.

Whatever you choose to do we'll be right here to give you support.  You've earned it.

I poked through the files for a while and eventually threw in the towel.  That's a lot to absorb.  If there was a "Go to declaration" feature for variables/functions/labels it would make things so much easier to digest.  Full blown programming languages do that and it helps a ton.

A new child would be potentially be a simple matter with the right data structures.  Essentially you have a child class, and each character has a dictionary of children.

class child(): [etc]

class character(): [etc, children = {}]

character.children["CHILD_NAME"] = child("CHILD_NAME", stuff, ..., etc)

You could then randomly generate children based on the character models.  All of the data would be stored in the character.children attribute/property.  And then stored locally however RenPy handles all of that.

You could even take it a step further and put age into character.  Then the children are actually just character objects but based around the age value.  character.children["CHILD_NAME"] = character("CHILD_NAME", AGE, stuff, ..., etc)

Unfortunately, all of this increases the complexity of your code.  At a certain point the logic management becomes a pain.  If age == young and is Poppy_Child and not Mitsuki.pregnant and etc etc etc.  The conditional flow of your program can get overwhelming.  Not to mention changing your data layout during a release is bound to create bugs

All big issues for game development.  Thankfully RenPy keeps things mildly manageable.  It's when you go wanting to add random objects like kids into the mix that you start poking into the heavy dev-end stuff.

I could toss you my discord or something if you ever wanted help or to talk deeper on possibilities.  Automation through code data structures is typically what I do in my professional day-to-day.  I'm more than glad to share the knowledge.

(1 edit)

In your defense, the majority of RenPy game code looks like hot garbage.  Massive if-then chains, monolithic scopes, magic numbers; the works.  RenPy is definitely enabling non-developers to dev but at a cost.

A friend of mine is developing a game in JavaScript, and after the third update, they started to realize just how awful not understanding programming architecture is.  As projects grow they become more and more unmaintainable.  Debugging can easily consume all of your time.  Art and story are already crazy time consumers.  Development can easily grow exponentially on that front.

Kudos though.  I've tried starting games and I can't get past the engine phase.  I always want to do things from the ground up and I eventually get bored and move on.  Or demoralized by my awful "dev graphics."  It doesn't matter how great your engine is, graphics are the ultimate seller.  And my art skills are absolute trash.

On a final note, RenPy violates one of the core ideas of code, which is using a library and not writing within in a library.  The whole dynamic parsing infrastructure they have is painful to look at.  If possible I'd rip all of my code out of the rpy files and put it into py files so it can be properly digestible by intellisense.  Even if I have to pass the vars in I'd rather bite that bullet than deal with a parser on top of a parser.

All that aside, I think I'll poke through your code and see if I can automate it a bit.  Also look around and see if I can find an extension or something to help with RenPy.  Either way, I liked your game.  It was cute and fun.  I enjoyed the "more on the realistic side of things" lol.

Awesome.  Appreciate it.

If you'd like a second pair of eyes on any code stuff, I wouldn't mind helping out.  I do a lot of high-level dev stuff in my personal time and occasionally code professionally when the moment calls for it.

I've also been curious know if something exists to help with all that.  The code seems so easy to mess up.  I wouldn't doubt it's a debugging royal nightmare.  Makes me wonder if someone needs to create some QoL type tool for it all.

Size Me Up community · Created a new topic Povename error


You got an error on line 285 in Mitsuki.rpy.  Invalid variable name.  I'm not sure if there's a renpy extension for vscode or other IDEs, but if so it make help avoid something like this in the future.

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In case anyone needs help finding the padlock.  It's to the right of the safe in the painting room.  You need to be crouched to access it.

It's also 35 passion (I think?) before Lia will interact.

  • Not sure the gallery is working.
  • Streamer mode logic may be blocking some of the images even when you select no.

Even despite all that the art is effing amazing.  Kudos on drawing one of the finest peeps I've ever seen.

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Appreciate the game.  Can't say I've read all the dialog but the bits I have were much appreciated.

At some point I got super lost trying to progress the story.  I stumbled upon the wiki, and I gotta say, it was only so helpful.  It has all the data, but how the data is laid out is kind of a pain to work with.  I was tempted to just outright quit the game.

Eventually I dived into your code to just directly figure out what I need (I was confused on the Makoto stuff).  And wowza, how the heck do you maintain this?  Does Renpy help you organize all this stuff?  If not, how the...?

If you feel like it's a hassle or could be automated to some degree I'd be willing to help out.  I write automation code for a living and I've gotten a lot of mileage out of your game.  Could be helping update the wiki, creating a dialog/scene pipeline, managing in-game data, or anything else. I'm down to try.

You might need the happy events.  Here's the wiki guide  I've had to use it religiously.

(2 edits)

I'd like to say upfront the smut was grade A awesome.  Something about it is so unique from other games.  I definitely plan on supporting you here and Patreon.

As for suggestions, there are things I've definitely like to see in the game, and then there are things I feel need to be addressed.

Needs (Conveniences):

  • To know what clothing you've purchased from the store.  I got fed up tracking it so now I just purchase everything, which is annoying in itself.  Damned if I do, damned if I don't.  The bot parts are the same but that's a lot easier to keep track of.
  • The ability to save before you end your game by a wrong choice.  I learned to save before I do any time consuming activity.  Sometimes I forget though.  Would be nice to save after a 24 hour stream that leads to a cutscene where I can get a game over.


  1. More clothing/hair style options (There's already a decent amount I just want more cause yes).  Customizable hair.  Potentially self upload-able textures for the bot.
  2. More emotions/expressions from the bot.  She has that self-orgasm tracker (I think that's what that is) on her stomach.  I would assume that serves some upcoming purpose.
  3. The wiggling she does in doggy is amazing. I wish missionary had the same.
  4. The Fast option to be faster.  I spose you could normalize the orgasm bar and whatnot so it stays the same but thrusts faster.
  5. In automatic mode, would be great if the mc picked up the pace when he was about to orgasm.  Maybe poked through the cervix.
  6. It'd also be nice for the automatic options to make her have heart eyes/ahegao.
  7. More physical movement from the bot.  Like arching her back/clenching her toes.

There's probably plenty more I could ask for but I think those would improve my experience ten fold.  The game is already pretty darn amazing as is.  Thanks for that.

The 3 number password?  It's a binary pattern.  It'll tell you high or low based on your input.  The guide has all the possible inputs.

This game was better than the majority of the triple A visual novel titles I've played.  Easily top 10.