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A member registered Oct 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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This Looks Promising  * v*)

How to unlock WIP content?

Is this game complete???

How do you open your stats/item menu in this game???

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2024 now, the game is still only playable in the demo.......

I would totally pay to play the updated version at this point.  qwq)

sorry I don't get it, do I get the special class from the mage guild???

Does the black Smith even sells weapons? Since beating the rats with my bar fists is a pain.

And what is the best way to make money? and where to buy antidotes? since the Rats can infect you.

How to get the climbing and mining book? And where to buy tools? This game seems more stressful than fun dang.

As far as i know almost none.

Go to subscribstar then

Agree with you, but i think that was made on purpose to give the game some dificulties.

Else no one would be able to fail the time given to do your mission on time.

Last time i played there where none as far as i remember.

was as dissapointed as you.

But still the story makes up for it.

You can actually, i managed on my first walk-through to cook-hold the red bastard that wanted to ntr my unfertile wife.

Rina ans the headmistress are SOOO BITCHES DAMN IT.

Wanna make them my slaves for wanting to kill an inoscent, this Bitches need slappings till no end.

So this version of the game was abandoned???

can I have a link?

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I guess I completed the game, I have reached all 3endings. Still don't know if there are more, but I'm pretty sure that this is all, since in ending 3 I unsolved all mysteries as if why and how.

Anyways, not the game I expected, but it was still interesting.

APK Version please qwq)

Update your whole joiplay pack i guess.

Thanks, good to know, i will try ^^)

Great game idea, please make an APK Version then i will support you on patreon.

So are all 3.path's complete here? Like the Love harem and Domination path's or is this just the Love path version? 

Why does it seem to not be supported by Joiplay?

oh ok, thank you ^^)

Ok thanks, but how to find the tavern wench and get the goblin warriors???

Where can i find the code for the tower?

Wasn't there an android version before?

why is there suddenly non anymore?

I need this masterpiece on android please qwq)

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Screen size troubles, i can't get to change the screen size of the game, i can't play like that, please fix it.

PS: android

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How to get a cichlid?

For may's quest.

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shes in meddling castle, north east of Norhall stronghold

how to get mithril pickaxe?

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buy it at the armory at altlin

oh ok, thank's

PS: am really enjoying your game, you did great job, keep that up.

Again, thank's ^^)

Same probleme here as well, don't know how to go with her.

Since going for magic damage means her usual attack are weak right?

do they get skillpoints every 5.Lvl's? It would be nice.

Ooohhh, that's what's this Rings good for, thank's ^^)

is there a way to walk on volcanic area without constantly losing life?

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the diplomat thing is very interresting, thank's i was struggling to decide, now thanks to that info i got to choose ^^)

My biggest fear was to never see her again in the good path, but in this case i can make her my diplomat, i like that more than just making her become a mindless slave.