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A member registered Jul 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks :)

pls cant find discord link.

pls can I have link :)

Thanks!!! About the lasers, absolutely agree the laser hitboxes should have been way smaller.

(1 edit)

Thanks!!! :)


Thank you so much!!! In hindsight we really should have made the laser hit boxes smaller,  me and my friend will be sure to shrink them if we choose to continue making this game.

also loved your game BTW.

Thanks for playing and I completely agree with your criticisms , if me and my friend choose to continue the game we will be sure to apply your criticisms.

THANKS!!!, if me and my friend choose to continue the game we will be sure to take your criticism into account. :)

(1 edit)


Nah sorry

Thanks!!! :)

I agree completely. But thanks, me and my friend might add more levels in the future(after the jam has ended

Lol :) I can relate.

Love this game , incredible polish , very fun to play , but the gameplay is a bit repetitive , more small mechanics that happen every so often would make it less repetitive. But overall good game :) 

Love the concept , but it is a bit boring to play , game mechanics are quite interesting.

Very fun loved it, music was a bit odd . But the game felt really nice to play .

Like the concept , but the camera and character controls are a bit frustrating .But good concept.

Love it , really satisfying to play :)

Great Game , Would love to see its story expanded or a continuation :)