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Steph Gingrich

A member registered Mar 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Uhhh.. character models look fantastic! very VERY accurate however the control system for movement is super jacked, very faulty. "inverted" would be an understatement, they change up where ever you walk.. Constant struggle to get anywhere, the general concept of simply finding clues is a little bland, not like i could get far seeing as the movement controls are just shotty and busted at best, has potential to be great but needs ALOT more love and work put into it, menu system is too minimal, look sensitivity needs to be altered and given the player more freedom, camera pov constantly swings around VERY abruptly. and figured all this out only 4 clues into it and by then i couldn't stand the movement issue anymore.

Needs more work done before prompting users to purchase this within a certain day limit, not polished enough to expect users to pay for this! NEEDS to be free before you ask something like that, frankly i feel it being free encourages people to play and give reviews that'll better the games development for the future, just an opinion and i mean all this constructively and in the nicest way possible.

I do feel it was a bit out of character for max to act in such a way, felt like she didn’t deserve friendship or that she let everyone down. when she chose to save Arcadia in that option she makes peace with that, it’s bittersweet but she’s accompanied by Chloe in the spiritual form of the blue butterfly during the funeral ceremony and in the original doesn’t break down and believe she doesn’t deserve any of it because she feels she let her down, Max knew what she had to do and made peace with that choice.

Yeah i do feel like Max wouldn’t of been such a wuss in the instance where Kate spoke to her in the cemetery, Max is a strong character. In the original game she finds peace with the choice she made and is accompanied by Chloe in the form of the blue butterfly, it’s bittersweet actually! 

As i stated above would of been nice if Max had acknowledged Kates comfort in this instance, Max wasn’t a “Bad friend” and comforted Kate in her time of need. I of course mean all this in the nicest way possible but it really did seem very out of character for Max to think she doesn’t deserve Kates friendship or comfort during such a tough time.

Noticed a spelling error! hope this helps. ♥️