Zen is the Panther witch, you can lure her out with leftover cookies from the "Learn from history" set that Cassidy provides on her menu.
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Hyper is always the highest stage of spell you can cast; but it is intended for fertility of some characters to improve with story progression. This is already shown with Full Moon but other story beats will mimic that progression of enhancing a batch of maiden's fertility and giving them larger than typical sizes. This enhanced size after story progression is the intended limit I have planned, so if you've seen Full Moon then you've seen the intended limit, and more characters are planned to reach that limit or surpass it but not by much.
Shear's typo has been fixed for the next version. Nim's heavy and hyper pregnancy selection checks for how many people are currently attending the next festival, if you recently held a festival then you may no longer meet minimum requirements. Otherwise there could be a bug where someone is getting removed from the attendee list when they shouldn't be, and I can look into that.
So when the game is completed your choice of New Moon/Full Moon affects the ending of the game. The ending of the game is determined based on decisions for 3 branches, and only the New Moon/Full Moon Branch is complete right now. If you have access to "New Moon Unlocks" in Town Hall's Extras menu then you've completed the content for this route.
Having the game be its own app leads to things getting WEIRD from what I've tested with, so for now I'm keeping it playable on browser (Itch will say its not for your platform but it should still work 99% fine). If I can kick out the kinks later I will release for android, otherwise sorry to keep it browser only for now.
Cheating is possible externally by loading a manual save into a text editor. I won't go into super details but if you want to cheat then save editing is the most approachable way to do it. There won't be built-in cheating unless I build a new-game+ sandbox mode.
Moon company are done! In general characters that expand keep their order if others expand, so since Ina starts bigger she ends bigger too. Ranko is happy to retrieve any upgrades she can get but there's none left for her after the ritual. Rest assured she's still happy to be way larger than she started, and that she lust for any boobs, not just her own.
The festival will rest you after you do it and allows you to begin it regardless of your max mana, so long as enough maidens are pregnant. This is the intended failsafe against overflowing mana.
Random variation images is not planned for now. 1-2 new poses for 26 characters with at least 4 body states each is a lot of work and I want to finish the core game first.
If you mean pregnancy sizes larger than a character's existing hyper (like a "Giga" size), no.
If you mean adding functions as in "You can do things now that you couldn't before, because now this character is bigger than normal", then yes some future plot threads will want that (Goes for both body expansions and pregnancy sizing).
Thank you for reporting this, Ranko's Permanent BE now functions properly in the latest version (0.1.3b). Updating to this version will not break saves and you and others can now experience 5 more Ranko images that weren't visible because of that bug. I hope everyone can enjoy the content that has been accidentally missing for a while.
I've had fun with your game!
Unfortunately, I had to use a buggy work-around in the room with Dungeon Key I in order to progress, I was able to use the newest version of the game to update the map such I get the key itself but you can't return to the heal/save room. There's currently a buggy work around to progress:
Another minor bug related to the same room, when you enter it for the first time to attempt to trigger the cut-scene so you can do the mini-boss rush, you have to approach the tile from below to trigger it; this means you can miss the trigger for it, go get the key, THEN contribute Vivi to the room in order to get out.
I think the intended sequence is to enter the room for the first time, Have Vivi Stay, then revisit the room for the key later and be able to exit the room. Hope that made sense and helps.