Thanks for the kind words! It was longer ant first and I just kept carving away at it to get to the core story. Glad to hear it works for you! Thank you for taking the time to read it and comment!
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Nominated for a 2023 Eisner Award for Best Short Story, "The Beekeeper’s Due" is a four-page comic about a beekeeper struggling to move on with her life in the wake of a tragic loss. It was originally written for the anthology Scott Snyder Presents: Tales from the Cloakroom, which was created and published by students in Snyder’s inaugural Substack writing course.
You can download and read it for free here.
Hi. Great questions. "BEES" is just the number of bees available vs. the number of bees in a hive. Player starts with 5,000 available bees. If all your bees are in a hive, then you can't use them for combat or other actions.
HD (Hit Dice) and ML (Morale) are both taken from the DURF rules. They relate to combat.
From Durf:
NPCs have an ML (Morale) score and make a Morale Roll when something manages to shock them (they meet more resistance than expected, their leader is killed etc.). To make a morale roll, roll 2d6. If the result is higher than the Morale of the NPCs, they will flee or attempt to parley.
Player characters start with one Hit Die (HD) - a d6. These are rolled when the character is wounded to determine if the wounds are fatal. [When] a creature takes damage, the damage first reduces their Armor points. If no Armor points remain they take the remaining damage as Wounds. Each time a creature receives Wounds they roll their Hit Dice (HD). If the result is less than or equal to the Wounds they have accumulated the creature dies.
Now that the game jam is over, I'm working on a more comprehensive set of rules that will clarify and hopefully streamline some of this. I hope to share that soon! Until then, it's probably best to refer to Durf for combat and more detailed gameplay questions — or use your favorite system. The Beekeeping mechanics should work with most game settings.
Thanks for your interest and kind words!
SKEP is a beekeeping RPG for solo or group play.
This one-page edition of SKEP was created for the One-page Jam (2022) hosted by Unknown Dungeon. I made it as a challenge to see how much I could reduce the game while still maintaining its core mechanics. All you need to play is a d6, a pen, and a blank hex map. It was made almost at the same time as the full version of the game, a 20-page guide that includes additional tables, rules, a small bestiary, and more.
SKEP was inspired by and based on the OSR-style game DURF, but written as a solo-first RPG. The beekeeper class/archetype and the beekeeping rules should be easy to adapt and incorporate into any campaign or setting.
SKEP is a cozy beekeeping RPG for solo or group play.
It was inspired by and based on the OSR-style game Durf but written as a solo-first RPG. SKEP features a beekeeper class/archetype and beekeeping rules that should be easy to adapt for any campaign or setting.
The 20-page document includes a flexible BEEKEEPER archetype, a BEEKEEPING mechanic and hex map generator based on hex flowers, a short bestiary, story prompts, oracles, and more.
SKEP was created for the Lone Wolf Solo TTRPG Jam in August 2022. It’s my first RPG and probably still a little rough around the edges. Any constructive criticism or feedback is welcome!