thank you for this beautiful offering.
Logan from Light Hive
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hello! Thank you for sharing this system! I have borrowed (and cited) in my narrative therapy-informed journaling guide, The Present, where participants dialogue with their younger self. Thank you for your generosity!
Thank you for this ingenious way to offer kindness to folks!
I came across this game through @Minakie's Hang In There, Little One and loved it. I made my own hack called The Present that I hope carries on this lineage. :)
Thank you for this beautiful work and sharing it so generously.
I ran this the other week in an online mindful play group and loved it. Folks wanted to do the same one again next time. I said, “y’all, there’s a world of these games!” So we compromised and next time, we’re doing alone in an ancient city. 😂
Hi Perita,
Logan here. First, thank you for playing our game! Second, thank you very much for the heads up about the bugs.
It was my responsibility to upload the game, and I accidentally uploaded an old version (the "Medium-Sized Mystery" placeholder name is still in the left sidebar). My partner, Amanda, contributed a lot of work that won't be seen until after the game jam.
To her, and the judges, I apologize for my error! I will upload the correct version as soon as I'm able.
Many thanks again for playing through what you could!