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A member registered Apr 09, 2017

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Did my own video and got 2 of the endings

I got to the 3rd Graboid and died at the 4th.. still farther than some

Thank you and I did have fun

A GREAT GAME. It was cute but dark at the same time and the little fairy reminds me of Navi soo I like.

A hilarious little game that I thoroughly enjoyed

more class...ooooh excited

The game was really fun..The soundtrack was upbeat and it made me feel invincible as I took down the orange team Also for some future ideas...why not add more units as well as a campaign for more play time.

This game was legit funny as hell, and I got to kill ants...(didnt mean to) not to mention I made a wife in such a short time.. overall I say its been a good day (those poor ants)

A fun little game that made me laugh and I enjoyed really did.. It has a few bugs that need to be fixed from the little tinsels and little hanging things but other that I liked it

lol it was and it was weird cause i did my best when i was recording XD

A great game that i enjoyed and kinda reminded me of megaman nt warrior cause of the style of cards and the red and blue areas

a fun little game i died once then finished it..cant wait for more

It's fun for a little game..I got a little mad but it's fine

The art was just astonishing and the gameplay was an easy kinda hard but i really enjoyed it

awwwh siiick im still waiting for the much is it gonna cost by the way

a really great demo i played a while back and i really cant wait for the whole game

a fun simple game...theres nothing more that can be said 4/5

a pretty good short game the only problem i had with it was it was perfectly fine in the light areas but the dark areas were a big problem with frames....i would go from 30-40 straight to about 15-18 but other than that it was good.

Whats wrong with you :'( why let......the little girl die.....just plain rude


This game was absolutely amazing from music,animations, AND THE SIDE SCROLLING PLATFORM....ohhh deer.....i loved it and i cannot wait till it gets released. easy 10/10

a bit lol and np I enjoyed it

A decently hard game that I found to be........more or less good. It was a challenge at first, then I got a bit more used to it.

I did a 2 video special on my channel i leave the videos down below if you want to check them out

i believe there was no sounds what so ever

it was the whole game and it was the one that was made 3 days after the release

A great and fun game that was fun to play...all it needs is some sounds (that or im deaf) but it truly was a fun game to play and i loved the details like the animals 7/10 (cause i needs the sounds)

it was a cute little game that honestly just needs some sound to be amazing the art was gorgeous as well as the gameplay 7/10

IT WAS SO FUN....the physics were awesome, the way you could float in air....amazing, the whole time i played i was enjoying it...8/10