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A member registered Aug 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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I was going to update the game, but in the middle of the process, I discovered that Itchio applied some sort of shadow ban on my account, and my game no longer appears in the search on Itchio. They informed me that I violated one of their rules. They dont allow pornography with real people in games (hentai and 3d characters are ok). This discouraged me from continuing with the game, because I wont be able to promote it here on Itchio anymore. I'll see what to do later on.

You need to go to "load/save", change it to "save" and then press enter. Also if you change the sound options you need to restart the game afterwards.

My mistake, there is no mac compatible version. Sorry!

This game is compatible with Windows and probably with Linux, but Im not sure about Mac.

Well I disagree that it resembles a horror game, but I agree with your feeling, thats probably because I spent lot of time making some important mechanics for it and also I had my other projects, so I havent had the time to polish it yet, and that includes the sounds, the enviromnent, interactive objects, and so on. But thanks for your opinion, it was an interesting critique.

Please check again and let me know if the problem persists.

Well each character has a specific way to trigger a sex move, and since there are so many male characters it would be hard to make a list for each sex move for each character(I may do that in the future), but usually it consists of doing simple combinations like "v+>" 2 times + "punch" or "kick", like a hadouken. 

Чтобы "сексуальные добивания" срабатывали, вам нужно быть побежденным противником, когда он выполняет специальный прием, но это также может произойти случайно. Или, если вы играете за мужского персонажа против женского, победите её любым специальным приемом, чтобы легко это вызвать. Эти функции оптимизированы в полной версии на моей странице Patreon, где также есть больше персонажей и уровней.

No, no "+" button. I mean you need to press left arrow first, then right arrow. Do that combination 2 times QUICKLY(like half a second), and finally press C key on your keyboard.  Do that with your opponent at your right side, it should be easier.

When close to the opponent, press " < + > " 2 times + "C". This needs 2 levels of energy also.

Yes, I still have a good list of features to implement on this game. I was very busy with the other "ryona" projects and my personal life, but I will return to this project soon. By the way I have already some new stuff for it, I just didnt upload it yet, including a 3d model of Jill Valentine (re5 version) doing some "exercises" in the center area, and a option to choose some famous female characters to play. I may also create a 3d game using Jill Valentine in ryona situations with zombies, but thats a future project.

I dont think that version exists, but I can create one exclusive for this game at some point.

Another user told me that the game currently runs on mobile devices as well, but I havent programmed the controls yet for those devices. I may release an apk version for mobiles at some point.

You mean high and low attacks for the player? Or the enemies?

I understand. Based on what you said, I believe there's a problem with the Itch app not properly reading RAR zipped files. I'm going to reupload the game in ZIP format, please let me know if that will fix the problem.

About the ability to focus on a specific video, I can make a button where the camera moves itself to stay in front of the video where he is looking at, like a 2d view, and then the player can alternate between player view and video view. I like this idea.

The option to choose your own video from your browser wouldn't be hard to implement considering the user can copy and paste the link into a prompt box or something, but note that in the current state, the game loads the videos from inside of the own game folder, not from the internet. I think streaming multiple videos directly from a random porn website like that would cause crazy latency(ping) while the player is in the server. It can be done, but with some limitations. 

I really want to play with that island idea, with specific themes for them, and also making private dark areas like a theater or something.

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Gracias. Na versión actualizada del juego, la mayoría de los errores están corregidos, gracias a algunas personas que los reportaron y me ayudaron en mi Patreon. Por cierto, estoy realizando una conversión total de este juego en otra plataforma, donde tendré más control sobre todas las mecánicas.

Nice, I would like to hear your ideas. I fixed the floor issue, and also put a "teleporter ground" below the central area so if you fall you will be teleported back. 

About the fullscreen, you can switch between fullscreen and windowed mode by pressing alt+enter, but I'll create a button for that later and also for audio stuff. Right now I'm focusing on other projects, but I'll keep this game updated asap.

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Are you using any popup blocker? It should download right after you click on "download" button. There is no "install" button on this page. The file size of the game(demo) is 132mb. People are being able to download it fine as I can see in my analytics page, so it's probably your browser.

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For the "sexy fatalities" to trigger, you need to be defeated by the opponent while he is doing a special move, but it can happen randomly as well. Or if you are playing as male character vs female,  defeat her with any special move to easily trigger it.

Oh I see, well in that case you need to learn some combos with the specific character you pick, like "v + >+punch", or do that twice quickly for a special move. That will help you survive the waves. It's not a easy game indeed, the difficulty was adjusted for a intermediate to veteran player, but it's not hard at all.

You need to use the punch and kick keys to beat the enemies. Here are the default keys:

Arrows- movement

Z,X,C,A,S,D - combos

switch between fullscreen and windowed mode - ALT+Enter

skip fight - F1

restart fight - F4

I would say it is a medium difficulty, but you can adjust that in the options menu. You can even use a cheat by pressing F1 key. That will kill the enemies instantly in case you want to skip a specific battle.

I just put some more videos and other stuff = P

Thanks for the suggestion!