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A member registered Nov 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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You know size doesn't matter :) Comaprae to previous game the game is lither for same content because I reduce the size of images injected directly in the game.
I think that there same content as Ruru or Rumble Diaper College in term of content and arts.
 But Yes the game is at it's beggining so I totatlly understand that you want to w8

I'm working on the Subscribe update that will be realeased this week. 
So you can expect the Free one for the 1st march.

I think it's a good idea to hae a back and fourth, I don't know yet how to implement it but the idea is cool.

thank yiu very much for your suggestion, it's something that are planed bbut it's quiete hard to implement.

the thigs that I know are no go it's to let some feature free for the player to change and have different immpact in the story lines (It's will create pyramidal effect ondialogues or art visual and it' not something that I can do or really simple with just two choice in just one scene

But what is possible it's to play around the mirror and it's why this feature has been made in place. Here for example I plan to have curses (or item choice or anything else that "lock or not your character visual with that I can have more feminine body and other stuff that have an impact during night event.

It's still in progress but I think the mirror is a great featurre that need a lot of improvement.

THank you very much. I love spanking too and I include in generals quite some in my diferent games. In the next free update there are new scenes of spanking with Maiden if you wet the bed and don't listen to her advice. Alts depending of wet you need to wear at night. (Of course since the ame it's just at it's begening there will be a more.

The commander don't have gender, but depending of future vote it will possible to goes to some TF.

Thank you very much for your kind comment, I'm glad you like the game. (Yes there will be a lot of more every month for a long time)

I recommand to use a fresh date, and use the skip button with that you have the school uniformand you can use it in the second floor. The Seenana Roomm need to be cleaner in termm of bug it's really something that I need to work on.

Maiden will be made in diaper the sketch is already made, but in term of story it will be in a far far away update :)

Happy new Year.

Thank you, count in general 1month to 1month and a half for a new update.I'm working hard on the new Subscribe version taht I will try to finish next week, so end of the next week the free update.

I don't think it's something that will be doable since I changes some variables it may cause  lot of crash it's why you have the skip button, that unlock the content faster but since it's loop gameplay  you can redo the major part of the game.

Thank you. <3

Glad you like the POV, I'm working on a mirror integration to see the Commander.

Glad you like it, the Nursery Scenes for Serena will happen for every floor. So yes there will be more.

Free update available next wek, because I push yesterday the 0.7 on Subscribestar 

I have a bug that Hazel can't appear in diaper, it's something that I have just corrected in the 0.7.

Yes ofc the free 0.6 updates will comes when the 0.7 members will be release in general I try to make an update in every month, or one month and a half. (the last free update was 16 days ago :) So next one will comes in near 2-3weeks.

It's already the ase you can find here the free version the Subscribe version it's just one update previous.
Actually subscribe star 0.6 so here you can find the 0.5 on (just go to the donwload.
Also the game in the end will be free just like my other game.

After buying it from Hazel shop in town, you can use it in dungeon by cliking on it but it's at your own risk because it only work again the alt boss floor 1.

I think I will still with the second boss version for complicate puzzle because I don't want to block "the major road" but I think it can be cool to overcome it and havea reward when its dificult, (glad you like it)

I have just posted the new version (0.6) for member on so the free 0.5 will come during the end of this week.

End of the week.

Hello :
- The tavern has an activivity for Serena with Hazel and yes, there will be more activities with more differents characters or with Serena.

- I think it' different The purpose of the Nursery it's to help characters accept their regress side so they can continue the story. Even if it's really cool to have people be cured I think it can create to much complicate story line.

-The next udpate is focus on the second florr and I think the next one to improve it.
After that I will have a new vote for the supporter of the game to see were we continue to advance the game, so I don't have any idea yet :)

What is happening precisely, what is the browser taht you are using and witch version the andorid or the windows one?

Thank you very much for the bug report, I think it's something that will be really hard to correct in the final version of the game but I will see it's in a far future.

Yes the new one will be realese when the 0.6 will be done (begining of november), Expressing that you like the game is one of the best way to support me, because I can see that people like the game and help me to continue to make more :)

(1 edit)

This boss is tricky and mikily gave the good answer.
In the 0.5 (a shop item wilol help you against the Boss)
Thank you for the bug report I will see if I can reproduce and debug it for the next version.

No, saves between version create bug because there is a lot of new's why you have the shortcut to acces directly to the crystal hub when you launch the game.

It's one update early acces for the SubscribeStar version it just that I try my best to stay at 1 update per month.

I have just finished the 0.5 that is under major bug review and be posted for members this WE. So the free version 0.4 here will be push for the really beginning of november.

I'm really sorry, I'm really lacking of time and I don't go to the Ruru game but I'm planning to add a browser version so when I will do it I think I can add at leleast a feature where the the bonus zone is directly accessible.

THe last update for Tower of the last Demon is in browser. SO it's easy to make but it's a little bit clunly sicne the game is not optimize to run on browser (CG and sprite are really heavy) so you need a good internet to be working.

But I think it can be a good addition explaning that it's experimental. In term of schedule I can come with something beginning of October.

First the apk (Android) version can't work on windows and that's normal.

Second : How to convert the the download into an a game playable.

First your Dell computer need to be on Windows after
- download the compressed files.
- UNZIP the compressed fils and extrat all the files in just one folder. (You can use Windows unzip)
-After that open your folder and double click on the exe files named : Tower of the last Demon.

It's the same way to play all my other game. Hopes it's help.

THank you glad you like it :)

When I start Claire Nursery I lack of experience for the ambition that I have for the game. I'm a profesional artist and not a programmer. The software that I use for the games is a drag and drop box and I use variables and jump in a Visual novel environment so it's really hard to duplicate the code and the game goes in too much directions.

Now I'm focus on Tower of the last Demon and Ithink I have gain experience from Claire's nursery to don't go for too much stuff. THe games after are quick little project made in near 1 year focus on "gameplay".So when the game will be finished and I have absolutly no idea when because I hope for this one a long run maybe I can go back to Claire's Nursery with a lot of experience.

There is no forcing or brainwashing but the characters are controlled (by their will ) by the link spell to explore the dungeon.

In this one there are a lot of traps that can lead to temporaly mind changing. The dungeon is designed by a high being that corrupt people in a way that it can touch their deep desires.

Thank you very much, I'm really glad you love the game!!

For the development o the game I'm continuing with 1 update per month and I'm really hype on this project I'm at the very beginning but I think it will be have a lot of content if we compare to Diaper Rumble College and Ruru first exorcism.

It's possible depending of the hype it's possible in september that I spend more time per month on this project.

It's totally the way where the game is planned to go with. In the 0.3 you need to choose Serena but the "crystal hub" is done to have multiple character choice selection for the dungeon.

I'm at the early stage of the game and new character will be added later depending of the votes. actually Serena the witch win againt Nimwen the archer.

Each one will have a "regression" story. For example Serena votes have been made for her outfit to go for Japanese Kindergarten uniform, school uniform and onesie so the road for her is decide with mantal regression, also it decide the future part of the dungeon she will explore.

Also THe maiden will have a nursery that you can visit and yes I'm thinking of a recovery sytem. Maybe it's the sacrifice of the commander directly so you can avoid to have your chracters send regress.

In general I really like the idea that you describe witch look like Darkest Dungeon.

Since I try to have the commander neutral so can every gender can identify as the commander it's hard. But I have some plan with an item in your room where you can see what you are wearing so maybe here I can do something. It's still in progress in my mind so don't expect too much :)

As I explain in the Story part "You play the Commander of an elite RPG group who are invistigate rising of Demons. Your gender is not define." I made that so everyone can decide witch gender is the protagonist. So I try my best that the dialogue are neutral. Witht that if you want to play as a woman it's possible. (It's possible that some character later in the game force gender you but it will be as woman)