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A member registered Jul 25, 2017

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Ok well that means somehow a virus made its way into the game without Github, if the creator used any code he found online or something similar it might have been the source. Either way it needs to be removed as the current official build does seem to have a virus in it which will be infecting the computers of those who download it. 

I don't know if it applies here but if someone posts a project to the website GitHub others can look at the project and make additions known as branches. These branches don't become part of the main code unless the creator accepts them and adds them to the main project. A known thing people will do is add branches that seem on the surface to be helpful additions but inside will hide a virus. This way they can spread a virus into a already recognized product without creating something from the ground up. I am unsure if the original project is on GitHub but if so someone might have snuck a virus in.

(1 edit)

Hey, just to let you know, the most recent download of update 0.57 is triggering my antivirus as it appears to have something deep inside it. If you've accepted any branch additions on github you might want to look into them.
Antivirus: Avast
Threat Name: Win32:MalOb-IJ [Cryp]

System: Windows 10 64 bit